Usa Tiro rápido para acumular cargas de Carga explosiva sobre los campeones enemigos.
Su enorme cañón permite a Tristana disparar a objetivos que se encuentren a gran distancia. Utilízalo para evitar que los enemigos te pongan las manos encima.
Usa Salto misil después de Carga explosiva para hacer trizas a un enemigo.
Evita la provocación de Shen y castígale si falla.
Cuando Shen llegue a nivel 6, ten cuidado con el alcance de su definitiva. Es capaz de cambiar las tornas a cualquier combate.
The stats shown here clarify some strategic Tristana against Shen counter stats that can help us realize the differences between the two. As an example, Tristana’s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of NaN is more than Shen’s KDA ratio of NaN, indicating that Tristana may be more central to her team's team fighting capability than Shen..
Tristana typically has a slightly larger longest kill spree than her enemy does. Typically, she receives less damage than Shen. This is usually reflective of different amounts of tankyness, but it can also imply that the one champ has less mobility and thus is unable to escape further harm when poked or engaged.
Both League champions are great. Both champs have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. In the game's current meta, Tristana usually loses when playing against Shen, with a 48.2% win rate. As a result, Tristana makes a poor counter to Shen.
While Tristana does have a lower win rate than Shen, when they face off with one another, Tristana also has a greater learning curve that makes her a more complex character to pick up and master. You still need to be cautious when picking Tristana into Shen.
Additionally, Tristana also has only a small amount of utility and CC, a similar amount to Shen. This makes her just as valuable during teamfights, especially when trying to counter champions with a ton of burst damage.
While there is not a single best champion for every situation in League of Legends, in Tristana vs Shen matchups, Shen is the better champion with a lower win rate, similar champion depth, and a similar amount of utility to help out your allies during teamfights.
Tristana is a somewhat poor counter for Shen. Make sure you focus your actions on keeping up your gold and cs and taking out objectives. If you can do that, you should do very well as Tristana against Shen.
To learn all of the intricacies of Tristana in order to counter Shen during both the laning and mid / late game phases of League of Legends, you should keep reading to pick up a few extra tricks and insights into this matchup. If you pay attention to the build and stats shown here, you will grow your win rate significantly and be that much closer to League of Legends pro players.
Tristana typically gets a similar amount of CS relative to Shen. Champs who typically don't get many minion kills often don't require much CS to be valuable teammates, such as supports. They are capable of scaling properly off of their skills, stats, and first items alone. Yet, champions with large amounts of CS, such as hyper-carries, typically require many items to be effective. In either case, try to exceed the values displayed on this page to do well.
The most crucial items to prioritize in your Tristana versus Shen build consist of Recuerdos de lord Dominik, Sanguinaria, and Filoveloz de Navori. When Tristana bought at least these three pieces in her build, she did a lot better against Shen than with most other commonly used counter builds. In fact, Tristana boasted an average winrate of 48.2% battling Shen with this counter build.
To have the highest chance of defeating Shen as Tristana, Tristana players should equip the Lluvia de cuchillas, Sabor a sangre, Colección de globos oculares, Cazador de tesoros, Leyenda: Linaje, and Triunfo runes from the Dominación and Precisión rune sets. Out of all the rune builds players chose for Tristana vs Shen counter picks, this mix of runes resulted in the best win rate. Moreover, these runes gave a 48.2% win rate overall.
By default, tips, stats, and builds on how to beat Shen as Tristana are presented for all ranked divisions combined. To narrow the statistics and builds to an individual division, you should use the selection menu located earlier on the page.