Escudo del amanecer y Hoja del cénit forman una poderosa combinación de ataque.
Dirige la carga y marca a tus enemigos con Luz solar antes de que tus aliados inflijan daño.
Puedes absorber una gran cantidad de daño usando Eclipse, pero debes mantenerte cerca de los enemigos para obtener la duración extra.
The stat comparisons shown here feature several important Leona against Nilah counter stats that may help us explain the differences between the two. Leona’s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of NaN is greater than Nilah’s ratio of NaN, showing that Leona may be more central to her team's team fighting potential than Nilah. This observation is in large part caused by the differences in assists.
Leona typically has a significantly smaller longest kill spree than her matchup does. On average, she takes a similar amount of damage to Nilah. This is usually reflective of differing health capacities, yet it can also illustrate that the one champion has less mobility and thus is not able to flee from additional harm when engaged or poked.
Both League champs are great champions. Both champs have their pros and cons. In League's current meta, Leona usually loses when facing off against Nilah, with a 48.1% win rate. As a result, Leona makes a poor counter to Nilah.
While Leona does have a lower win rate compared to Nilah, when they face off with one another, Leona also has a much lower level of difficulty that makes her a less challenging champ to pick up and master. You should be careful when picking Leona into Nilah.
Furthermore, Leona also has a great amount of utility and CC, a similar amount to Nilah. This often makes her just as valuable during team fights, especially when facing champions with a lot of burst damage.
While there isn't a single best champion for every situation in League of Legends, in Leona vs Nilah matchups, Nilah is the better champ with a lower win rate, less champion complexity, and a similar amount of utility to help out your allies during team fights.
Leona is a somewhat poor counter for Nilah. You will do well by focussing your actions on increasing your CS and destroying objectives. If you do that, you should be able to stand on your own as Leona against Nilah.
If you would like to truly master Leona to counter Nilah during both the early game and mid / late game phases of League of Legends, you should continue reading to pick up a few extra tips and tricks for this matchup. If you pay attention to the build and stats presented above, you will increase your win rate significantly and be that much closer to League of Legends pro players.
Leona typically racks up a lot less CS compared to Nilah. Champs who on average don't earn many minion kills often don't have to have much CS to be effective, such as supports. These kinds of champions are able to scale well off of their abilities and first items alone. Yet, champs with a lot of CS, such as hyper-carries, typically have to have many items to be effective. In either situation, try to do better than the numbers shown here to do well.
The most important items to have in your Leona versus Nilah build consist of Malla de espinas, Corazón de hielo, and Trineo del solsticio. When Leona combined at least these three pieces in her build, she did significantly better when facing Nilah than with many other common builds. In fact, Leona boasted an average winrate of 48.1% when countering Nilah with this build.
To have the best probability of defeating Nilah as Leona, Leona players should equip the Reverberacción, Fuente de vida, Revestimiento de huesos, Inquebrantable, Entrega de galletas, and Perspicacia cósmica runes from the Valor and Inspiración rune sets. Of all the rune builds we have analyed for Leona vs Nilah fights, this sequence of runes yielded the greatest win rate. Notably, these runes provided a 48.1% winrate overall.
If you would like to get Leona vs Nilah tips and matchup stats and build suggestions for a a specific rank, please select one from the selection menu provided above. At first, the statistics and strategies shown are calculated using every game with data with both champions.