The greatest picks outside of lane to counter Zilean include Sivir, Varus, and Kai'Sa. These champions are all great at countering Zilean with decent win rates over 56%. Even if these Zilean counter picks are not played in your lane, it's not smart to play him into these matchups. They will very likely beat Zilean.
Conversely, if the opposing team brings either Bel'Veth or Swain, you should strongly consider picking him, as he easily dominates these champions with win rates over 60% against both ofthem.
Obliga a Zilean a lanzar Cronoviaje fuera de las grandes peleas de equipo para que su utilidad disminuya.
Zilean contrarresta a la mayoría de los campeones explosivos. Su definitiva permite a su aliado revivir mientras su enemigo se queda esperando a que sus enfriamientos se refresquen.
Mantente fuera del alcance de la bomba de tiempo o esquiva la segunda.