La bomba de tiempo puede acabar con las oleadas de súbditos enemigos. Esto es bueno si estás jugando solo con Zilean, pero si estás apoyando a un carry, ten cuidado de no acabar robando demasiado oro de los súbditos.
Utiliza Cronoviaje para proteger a tus carries durante las luchas de equipo. Les permitirá huir del peligro o perseguir enemigos. Si también tienes la runa Invocar Aery, también los escudarás.
LoL Zilean players could find him to be a difficult champion to build out properly. You will find that his build varies when he is playing against either diversified or homogenous team compositions, indicating you shouldn't select the same Zilean build every single game of League of Legends
The most important items to include in your champ's build include: Canción de batalla de Shurelya, Bendición de Mikael, and Fragmento de Hielo Puro. Players who included these items in their builds had a higher winrate than those who utilized other item builds for Zilean. Similarly, if you are fighting a varied enemy team comp, you should strongly consider getting him the Brujería, and Inspiración runes. In recent games, he won the largest number of his rounds when using these runes.
We calculated our Zilean build suggestions by analyzing 41.951 recently ranked League games with him selected. We only propose the highest winrate Zilean builds that have been used by ranked players enough times for us to advise them. With so many matches in our data, we are very confident in our suggested builds.