The top picks outside of lane to counter Ziggs include Karthus, Rammus, and Shyvana. These are all good at countering Ziggs with decent win rates over 64%. Even if these Ziggs counter picks are not picked opposite your position, it's not a good idea to play him into any of these matchups. They will likely crush Ziggs.
Yet, if the other team choses either Shaco or Taric, you should strongly think about taking him, as he easily crushes these selections with win rates over 56% against both ofthem.
Evita entrar en la Carga concentrada. Aumenta tu velocidad de movimiento para que esto sea más fácil.
Gracias a su largo alcance y su gran poke, Ziggs contrarresta a los campeones de corto y medio alcance que tienen dificultades para alcanzarlo.
Los asesinos son particularmente fuertes contra Ziggs. Si pueden atacarlo, no es muy móvil.