En LoL, Ziggs puede utilizar Campo de Minas Hexplosivas para ralentizar a sus enemigos y preparar otras habilidades/combos.
Ziggs tiene mucho alcance. Con su Q, puedes golpear y empujar por última vez desde más allá del alcance de cualquier campeón enemigo. No te pongas en peligro innecesario. Ataca desde la distancia. Si tu enemigo se acerca demasiado, puedes ralentizarlo o lanzarlo con tus otras habilidades.
Guarda la Carga Concentrada para escapar de los enemigos o perseguirlos. También puedes usarlo para evitar que tu oponente de carril escape de la emboscada de tu equipo. Cuando utilices la Carga Concentrada para ayudar a derribar una torre, asegúrate de no usarla demasiado pronto, o se desperdiciará. Hay un límite muy estricto para infligir su daño adicional.
League of Legends Ziggs players could find him to be a challenging champ to build out properly. You'll notice that his build changes when he is fighting either diversified or highly focused team comps, indicating you should not follow the same Ziggs build every single game of League of Legends
The most important items to include in your champion's build include: Tempestad de Luden, Abrazo del serafín, and Sombrero mortal de Rabadon. Players who added these pieces in their kits had a higher winrate than those who went for other Ziggs builds. Likewise, if you are fighting a mixed enemy team arrangement, you should strongly consider getting yourself the Inspiración, and Brujería runes. In recent matches, he won the greatest fraction of his matches when using these runes.
We established our Ziggs build guidance by examining 36.845 recently ranked League of Legends matches with him selected. We only recommend the highest winrate Ziggs builds that were built by ranked League players enough times for us to suggest them. With so many rounds in our data, we are quite confident in our suggested builds.