Calcula el tiempo del Muro del Viento correctamente para bloquear la mayoría de los ataques y habilidades del enemigo.
Combina la habilidad de Último Aliento con cualquier habilidad de derribo de tus compañeros de equipo para conseguir los máximos combos.
LoL Yasuo players may find him to be a confusing character to build out properly. You will find that his build changes when he is playing against either generic or homogenous team comps, showing you should not choose the same Yasuo build every game of League of Legends
The most essential items to incorporate into your champion's build include: Guantelete de hielo, Verdugo de krakens, and Arcoescudo inmortal. Those who included these items in their builds had a significantly better win rate than those who used other item builds for Yasuo. Likewise, if you are battling a well-mixed enemy team arrangement, you should strongly consider getting yourself the Precisión, and Valor runes. In recent matches, he won the largest percentage of his games when using these runes.
We came up with our Yasuo build guidance by analyzing 172.122 recently ranked LoL games with him in them. We only recommend the best winrate Yasuo builds that have been built by ranked LoL players enough times for us to propose them. With so many games in our dataset, we are very confident in our recommended builds.