Twitch tiene una de las velocidades de ataque más altas del juego. La compra de objetos con efecto de golpe para acumularlos con Veneno Mortal proporciona una gran ventaja.
El barril de veneno puede utilizarse para ralentizar a un campeón enemigo lo suficiente como para cerrar la brecha e iniciar tus combos.
Twitch es un híper carry. Si consigue alimentarse, es probable que acarree el juego.
En LoL Twitch se puede jugar en un montón de posiciones diferentes. Aunque se juega principalmente en las posiciones de Abajo y Jungla, su alcance le permite acorralar a muchos campeones cuerpo a cuerpo en otros carriles.
LoL Twitch players will likely find him to be a confusing champ to build out properly. You will find that his build varies when he is up against either well-rounded or homogenous team compositions, showing you should not choose the same Twitch build every round of League of Legends
The most critical items to include in your champion's build include: Filo infinito, Sanguinaria, and Verdugo de krakens. Those who added these pieces in their gear had a much better win rate than those who used other Twitch builds. Similarly, if you are fighting a well-mixed enemy team arrangement, you should strongly consider getting Twitch the Precisión, and Inspiración runes. In recent games, he won the greatest percentage of his matches when built with these runes.
We established our Twitch build suggestions by analyzing 92.182 recently ranked League of Legends games with him in them. We only advise the best winrate Twitch builds that were built by ranked LoL players enough times for us to propose them. With so many matches in our dataset, we are very confident in our suggested builds.