Todas las habilidades de Skarner lo convierten en un poderoso ganker, asegúrate de combinar todas tus habilidades para derrotar a los enemigos antes de tiempo.
Inicia los ganks con Fractura para ralentizar a tu objetivo y márcalo con Veneno de cristal.
Sigue a Fractura con un ataque automático para aturdir a tu objetivo y luego golpéalo con Tajo de Cristal.
League of Legends Skarner players will find him to be a complex champion to build out properly. You'll see that his build changes when he is playing against either generic or homogenous team comps, indicating you shouldn't follow the same Skarner build every game of League of Legends
The best items to incorporate into your champ's build include: Guantelete de hielo, Égida de fuego solar, and Coraza del muerto. Those who included these pieces in their builds had a much better win rate than players who tried for other item builds for Skarner. Likewise, if you are playing a varied enemy team composition, you should strongly consider getting him the Brujería, and Inspiración runes. In recent games, he won the greatest percentage of his rounds when using these runes.
We established our Skarner build recommendations by analyzing 16.680 recently ranked League of Legends rounds with him in them. We only advise the top winrate Skarner builds that were used by ranked LoL players enough times for us to advise them. With so many matches in our dataset, we are very confident in our suggested builds.