El Descenso del Dragón es imprescindible cuando se inician combates en equipo. Asegúrate de tener 100 de furia para activarlo y convertirla en forma de dragón.
Shyvana reparte una tonelada de daño pero necesita CC de los aliados para aterrizar todo.
También puedes comprar artículos que ralentizan a los enemigos para que puedas conseguir tus habilidades.
LoL Shyvana players may find her to be a difficult champ to build out properly. You will find that her build varies when she is playing against either well-rounded or homogenous team comps, meaning you shouldn't take the same Shyvana build every single round of League of Legends
The most important items to include in your champ's build include: Fuerza de trinidad, Hoja del rey arruinado, and Lanza de Shojin. Players who included these items in their kits had a better winrate than players who worked towards other builds for Shyvana. Moreover, if you are facing a varied enemy team arrangement, you should really consider grabbing yourself the Precisión, and Valor runes. In recent games, she won the greatest number of her rounds when using these runes.
We came up with our Shyvana build recommendations by examining 56.273 recently ranked League of Legends rounds with her selected. We only propose the best winrate Shyvana builds that were built by ranked players enough times for us to propose them. With so many rounds in our data, we are quite confident in our recommended builds.