The top champions not in lane to counter Olaf include Sivir, Seraphine, and Kalista. These champs are all great at countering Olaf with decent win rates over 62%. Even if these Olaf counter picks are not used in your lane, it's not smart to take him into these matchups. They will very likely win against Olaf.
Conversely, if the other team brings either Jayce or Rumble, Olaf mains should seriously consider choosing him, as he easily destroys these champs with win rates over 52% against both ofthem.
Olaf es más difícil de combatir cuanto más baja es su vida. Guarda tu daño explosivo para cuando esté bajo.
Olaf contrarresta a los equipos con mucha CC porque es inmune a los hechizos cuando activa Ragnarok, así que asegúrate de guardar tu CC hasta que expire.