The top champs out of lane to counter Wukong include Kog'Maw, Zeri, and Kai'Sa. These picks are all good at countering Wukong with win rates over 61%. Even if these Wukong counter picks are not chosen opposite your position, it's not a good idea to take him into one of these matchups. They will most often win against Wukong.
Yet, if the enemy team brings either Rumble or Tahm Kench, Wukong mains should strongly consider selecting him, as he easily dominates these champs with win rates over 53% against each ofthem.
Anticipa el plan de salida de Wukong al gankear para identificar al verdadero campeón y no al señuelo.
Aísla a Wukong cuando intentes matarlo para evitar que reciba demasiadas cargas en la habilidad de alta dureza.