El Escudo del Amanecer puede utilizarse de forma ofensiva o defensiva. Úselo cuando se enfrente a un enemigo o para ayudar a su compañero de carril aliado a escapar de una emboscada.
La espada del Cénit dispara una imagen de la espada de Leona que inflige daño a las unidades que atraviesa y, si golpea a un campeón enemigo, Leona se lanza hacia la última unidad golpeada. Utilízalo para llevar a Leona a un apoyo débil en la retaguardia o a un carry que esté farmeando eficazmente en el carril.
Leona puede lanzar Eclipse, que le proporciona un aumento de armadura y resistencia mágica durante 3 segundos, tras lo cual inflige daño mágico a los enemigos que la rodean. Úsalo durante las peleas en equipo.
LoL Leona players will likely find her to be a difficult character to build out properly. You'll notice that her build varies when she is up against either well-rounded or highly focused team compositions, showing you shouldn't follow the same Leona build every single round of League of Legends
The most essential items to incorporate into your champion's build are: Mortaja de la quietud, Convergencia de Zeke, and Promesa de caballero. Those who included these pieces in their setups had a better winrate than players who used other Leona builds. Moreover, if you are battling a mixed enemy team composition, you should really consider grabbing Leona the Valor, and Inspiración runes. In recent matches, she won the largest fraction of her matches when built with these runes.
We came up with our Leona build recommendations by examining 108.254 recently ranked LoL games with her in them. We only propose the best winrate Leona builds that were used by ranked gamers enough times for us to propose them. With so many matches in our data, we are confident in our recommended builds.