The best champs outside of lane to counter Lee Sin include Xayah, Kalista, and Kai'Sa. These are all good at countering Lee Sin with high win rates over 60%. Even if these Lee Sin counter picks are not picked opposite your position, it's not smart to choose him into these matchups. They will often beat Lee Sin.
Conversely, if the opposing team brings either Wukong or Heimerdinger, Lee Sin mains should seriously consider taking him, as he easily crushes these champs with win rates over 51% against both ofthem.
Dispérsense para evitar ser golpeados por la definitiva de Lee Sin, Furia del Dragón.
Lee Sin contrarresta a los enemigos y campeones con poca movilidad. Lee tiene una gran habilidad para entrar y salir a voluntad.
Lee Sin es vulnerable al daño mágico, así que asegúrate de lanzarle tus inhabilitaciones y hechizos durante las peleas en equipo.