The greatest picks out of lane to counter LeBlanc include Zeri, Ezreal, and Tristana. These champions are all great at countering LeBlanc with decent win rates over 59%. Even if these LeBlanc counter picks are not played in your lane, it's not a good idea to play her into these matchups. They will very likely beat LeBlanc.
Conversely, if the other team picks either Teemo or Maokai, LeBlanc mains should strongly consider choosing her, as she easily destroys these champs with win rates over 50% against both ofthem.
Intenta estar detrás de los súbditos para evitar ser golpeado por las cadenas etéreas de LeBlanc.
Si te golpean las Cadenas Etéreas, huye lo más rápido posible para minimizar las posibilidades de que te enraícen en el rango de daño adicional.
Con su alta movilidad, LeBlanc contrarresta a la mayoría de los enemigos que dependen de los disparos de habilidad.