La posición es fundamental a la hora de lanzar las Cadenas Etéreas. Utiliza la Distorsión para situarte en el lugar adecuado y maximizar el efecto.
Si lanzas Mímico antes de otro hechizo, tendrás una copia del mismo durante un corto periodo de tiempo.
League of Legends LeBlanc players may find her to be a difficult character to build out properly. You'll see that her build varies when she is playing against either generic or homogenous team comps, indicating you should not take the same LeBlanc build every round of League of Legends
The best items to use in your champion's build are: Tempestad de Luden, Sombrero mortal de Rabadon, and Reloj de arena de Zhonya. Those who included these items in their setups had a much higher win rate than those who utilized other LeBlanc builds. Similarly, if you are facing a varied enemy team comp, you should really consider grabbing her the Precisión, and Inspiración runes. In recent matches, she won the largest percentage of her matches when built with these runes.
We set our LeBlanc build guidance by analyzing 55.530 recently ranked League of Legends matches with her selected. We only recommend the highest winrate LeBlanc builds that were built by ranked players enough times for us to propose them. With so many rounds in our data, we are confident in our provided builds.