The top champs outside of lane to counter Kog'Maw include Hecarim, Talon, and Poppy. These are all great at countering Kog'Maw with high win rates over 62%. Even if these Kog'Maw counter picks are not chosen in the same position as you, it's not smart to choose him into one of these matchups. They will very likely destroy Kog'Maw.
Yet, if the opposite team picks either Tristana or Bel'Veth, Kog'Maw mains should strongly consider picking him, as he easily destroys these selections with win rates over 55% against both ofthem.
Kog'Maw es blando y no tiene movilidad, perfecto para ganks tempranos si se coordina bien.
Huye de Kog'Maw después de su muerte, porque deja una imagen invulnerable e inalcanzable que explota después de 4 segundos.
Una vez que gana suficientes niveles en su W, Kogmaw contrarresta a los tanques con su daño escalable de vida máxima.