The top picks out of lane to counter Kayn include Ezreal, Kai'Sa, and Zeri. These champions are all good at countering Kayn with win rates over 56%. Even if these Kayn counter picks are not chosen in your lane, it's not a good idea to take him into any of these matchups. They will most often destroy Kayn.
Conversely, if the opposite team choses either Teemo or Seraphine, you should strongly think about picking him, as he easily dominates these champions with win rates over 52% against each ofthem.
Puedes ver un indicador visual cuando Kayn se desplaza por un terreno cercano a ti.
Kayn contrarresta a los campeones blandos. Es débil contra los campeones tanques con CC. Si eres un tanque, ¡cubre a tus carries!
Presiona a Kayn desde el principio. Es débil antes de transformarse en su forma final.
El CC duro terminará el Paso de la Sombra inmediatamente.