The greatest champions globally to counter Jarvan IV include Kai'Sa, Ashe, and Caitlyn. These are all good at countering Jarvan IV with high win rates over 60%. Even if these Jarvan IV counter picks are not taken in your lane, it's not smart to choose him into any of these matchups. They will most often win against Jarvan IV.
Conversely, if the other team choses either Kalista or Akshan, Jarvan IV mains should strongly consider picking him, as he easily beats these champs with win rates over 52% against both ofthem.
Jarvan contrarresta a muchos equipos que confían en su primera línea para proteger sus carries. Puede sumergirse fácilmente y aislar al enemigo.
El cataclismo de Jarvan IV puede atrapar a muchos campeones dentro de sus límites.