Janna es un excelente soporte que puede escudar a sus compañeros de equipo y aumentar el daño de un compañero con Ojo de la tormenta.
Monzón hace retroceder a los campeones enemigos y ofrece a tu equipo la oportunidad de escapar si la lucha en equipo no va bien.
League of Legends Janna players will find her to be a challenging champion to build out properly. You will see that her build varies when she is fighting either generic or specialized team compositions, demonstrating you should not take the same Janna build every game of League of Legends
The most critical items to include in your champ's build include: Renovación de piedra lunar, Redención, and Incensario ardiente. Players who added these items in their builds had a greater win rate than players who utilized other Janna builds. Similarly, if you are fighting a well-mixed enemy team comp, you should strongly consider getting Janna the Inspiración, and Valor runes. In recent matches, she won the greatest fraction of her games when equipped with these runes.
We calculated our Janna build recommendations by analyzing 55.213 recently ranked LoL games with her in them. We only advise the best winrate Janna builds that were used by ranked players enough times for us to advise them. With so many rounds in our dataset, we are very confident in our suggested builds.