The top champs out of lane to counter Heimerdinger include Kai'Sa, Kalista, and Sivir. These are all great at countering Heimerdinger with high win rates over 56%. Even if these Heimerdinger counter picks are not picked opposite your position, it's not smart to play him into any of these matchups. They will very likely crush Heimerdinger.
Conversely, if the enemy team picks either Briar or Miss Fortune, Heimerdinger mains should seriously think about selecting him, as he easily beats these champs with win rates over 55% against each ofthem.
Manténgase fuera del alcance de las torretas evolutivas H-28G, no enfrente a Heimerdinger dentro del alcance de sus torretas.
Heimerdinger contrarresta a la mayoría de los campeones cuerpo a cuerpo a su alcance. Sus torretas pueden intimidar a su oponente y negarle CS.
Heimer intentará aturdirte si lo diveas. Tenga cuidado y evítelo, o sufrirá daños masivos en la torreta.