The best picks out of lane to counter Fizz include Zeri, Kalista, and Ezreal. These picks are all good at countering Fizz with decent win rates over 52%. Even if these Fizz counter picks are not used in your lane, it's not a good idea to play him into one of these matchups. They will likely crush Fizz.
Conversely, if the opposing team choses either Teemo or Maokai, you should seriously consider picking him, as he easily wins against these champs with win rates over 55% against both ofthem.
Si puedes evitar la Carnada para tiburones, estarás en ventaja. Aprende a detectar la habilidad y su funcionamiento para asegurar una buena esquiva para contrarrestar a Fizz.
Asegúrate de desactivar a Fizz para derribarlo
Fizz contrarresta a la mayoría de los campeones que prefieren luchar desde rango. Los campeones que pueden escapar rápidamente y/o esquivar su definitiva, contrarrestan a Fizz.