The best picks out of lane to counter Draven include Karthus, Nidalee, and Sejuani. These picks are all good at countering Draven with win rates over 56%. Even if these Draven counter picks are not picked in your lane, it's not a good idea to play him into one of these matchups. They will most often win against Draven.
Conversely, if the opposing team brings either Maokai or Swain, Draven mains should seriously consider selecting him, as he easily wins against these champions with win rates over 55% against both ofthem.
Enfréntate a Draven cuando haya dejado caer sus hachas
Si regresas a la base con poca vida, ten cuidado con su definitiva.
Tiene un gran pico de poder en el juego temprano. Draven contrarresta a casi todos en los primeros niveles. No te precipites en un combate temprano a menos que tengas un apoyo abrumador.