The greatest picks outside of lane to counter Darius include Kalista, Ezreal, and Zeri. These picks are all good at countering Darius with win rates over 61%. Even if these Darius counter picks are not picked in the same position as you, it's not a good idea to take him into these matchups. They will likely win against Darius.
Conversely, if the enemy team brings either Rumble or Ziggs, you should strongly consider taking him, as he easily destroys these selections with win rates over 53% against both ofthem.
Darius no tiene una forma efectiva de escapar de las peleas, así que asegúrate de perseguirlo para asegurar la muerte. Evita el rango óptimo en el que las cuchillas de las hachas te golpearán.
Si regresas a la base con poca vida, ten cuidado con su definitiva.