The top champions not in lane to counter Cassiopeia include Ezreal, Ashe, and Samira. These champs are all good at countering Cassiopeia with win rates over 63%. Even if these Cassiopeia counter picks are not used in the same position as you, it's not smart to choose her into any of these matchups. They will most often beat Cassiopeia.
Conversely, if the opposing team brings either Ivern or Tryndamere, Cassiopeia mains should strongly consider taking her, as she easily dominates these champions with win rates over 53% against each ofthem.
No dejes que Cassopeia se alimente
Debes Gankearla a menudo porque es bastante débil y no tiene un escape fiable.
Puedes ser capaz de superar a Cass anticipando el momento en el que ella va a hacer su definitiva. Si puedes anticipar su definitiva, puedes evitarla.
Cassiopeia contrarresta a la mayoría de los campeones de rango medio, especialmente al final del juego.