The greatest champions outside of lane to counter Blitzcrank include Zeri, Kai'Sa, and Ziggs. These picks are all good at countering Blitzcrank with win rates over 57%. Even if these Blitzcrank counter picks are not picked in the same position as you, it's not a good idea to choose him into any of these matchups. They will most often win against Blitzcrank.
Conversely, if the enemy team picks either Swain or Lillia, you should seriously think about choosing him, as he easily crushes these champs with win rates over 55% against both ofthem.
Quédate detrás de los súbditos para evitar ser golpeado por el Agarre Cohete.
Agarre Cohete es muy caro de usar al principio en términos de coste de maná y CDR
Blitzcrank contrarresta a campeones con poca movilidad. Los ADC como Tristana, con su gran movilidad, son una amenaza mucho mayor para Blitz y sus compañeros de equipo.