The best champions outside of lane to counter Azir include Zeri, Xayah, and Ezreal. These champs are all great at countering Azir with high win rates over 58%. Even if these Azir counter picks are not played in the same position as you, it's not smart to choose him into any of these matchups. They will most often beat Azir.
Yet, if the opposing team brings either Nidalee or Gnar, you should seriously think about choosing him, as he easily wins against these selections with win rates over 54% against each ofthem.
No te acerques a los soldados de arena de Azir. Causarán una tonelada de daño por hostigamiento.
Puedes interrumpir las Arenas movedizas poniéndote en medio de la trayectoria del dash, pero intenta que tu tanque lo haga porque inflige daño y gana un escudo cuando se interrumpe la habilidad.
Puedes ayudar a obtener un pequeño impulso de oro para vencer a Azir destruyendo sus torres convocadas. También otorgan oro por matar.