Mit „Magmaspalte“ lassen sich Bereiche erzeugen, in denen du die Gegner in Schach halten kannst.
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Die Reihenfolge deiner Fähigkeiten spielt eine Rolle! Versuche, deine Gegner zur richtigen Zeit „mürbe“ zu machen.
Versuche deine Ziele in Reichweite des Flammenwerfers zu halten. Er kann auf Dauer viel Schaden verursachen.
Zeichnet sich ein Sieg ab, kannst du die ultimative Fähigkeit nutzen, um einen Fluchtweg zu blockieren.
Versuche, im Gefahrenbereich zu bleiben, um deine Effektivität zu erhöhen. Man überhitzt zu leicht, wenn man die Fähigkeiten häufig einsetzt.
The Ornn Rumble synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of his gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with Rumble, compared to his overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how his gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, Ornn sees a very large drop in his KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with Rumble. His KDA went down from NaN to NaN. This fall shows that Rumble helps Ornn perform not as well in competitive League matches. Yet, the small difference demonstrates that this performance change is only marginal.
When Ornn is paired with Rumble, he observes a small decrease in his complete damage dealt. This difference may indicate that Rumble does not provide protection for him to deal more damage or that his support also helps increase the game's duration. Similarly, when Ornn is played alongside Rumble on the same side, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees compared to when he plays alone. This is contrasting evidence that he is worse when playing alongside Rumble.
Additionally, when Ornn plays with Rumble on the same side, he often receives a little more damage than when he plays alone. Receiving more damage may mean that Rumble does a poor job of covering Ornn during team fights.
There is no top champion pairing for Ornn that will no matter what be his #1 ally. Yet, overall, Rumble is a relatively poor companion for Ornn. By playing on the same side as Ornn, he drops their win rate by -1.5% to 48.8%. This demonstrates that there is a bad strategic relationship between Ornn and Rumble that allows them to perform worse together than without each other.
Rumble has a much greater difficulty compared to Ornn. That means you must be very careful when lining up Rumble comrades to go into battle on the same side as, as they will need a much greater level of skill to be able to fight well with you.
Fighting together, you will likely see an overall large increase in your team’s ability to tank a lot of damage. Combined, these two will be a great protective duo.
In contrast, by bringing Ornn and Rumble together, you probably will not be giving your side very much anti-tank damage dealing potential. Plan to include other champions on your team that offsets this disparity in their capabilities.
Regardless of your Rumble ally's ability, you need to focus on maximizing your gold income, staying alive by avoiding foolish fights, and clearing objectives. If you do this, you will do well anyway.
To learn all of the intricacies of Ornn in order to work well with Rumble during both the early game and mid / late game phases of League of Legends rounds, you should continue reading to gather additional lessons on this champion pairing. If you pay attention to the build and tips presented here, you will increase your win rate significantly.
The most important items to get in your Ornn and Rumble synergy build include Sonnenfeuer-Ägide, Dornenpanzer, and Der ungesagte Parasit. When Ornn bought at least these three great items in his build, he did significantly better when paired up with Rumble than with most other typical item sets. In fact, Ornn had an average win rate of 48.8% helping carry Rumble with this build.
To have the best probability of coming out on top against your oponents, Ornn players should use the Umklammerung der Untoten, Abriss, Konditionierung, Zuwachs, Legende: Zähigkeit, and Triumph runes from the Entschlossenheit and Präzision rune sets. Out of all the rune sets players chose for Ornn and Rumble pairings, this composite of runes resulted in the top win rate. In fact, these runes gave a 48.8% winrate overall.
By default, tips, statistics, and builds on how to pair Rumble with Ornn are presented for all skill levels, merged. If you want to scope the statistics and builds to a distinct rank, you can use the selection menu located at the top of this page.