Wenn sich Draven nicht bewegt, schlägt „Wirbelnde Axt“ in seiner Nähe auf. Sie landet direkt an seiner Position oder leicht links oder rechts.
Bewegt sich Draven nach dem Angriff, fällt „Wirbelnde Axt“ in seine Bewegungsrichtung. Nutze dies, um zu bestimmen, wohin die Axt fallen soll.
The Draven Samira synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of his gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with Samira, compared to his overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how his gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, Draven sees a very large drop in his KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with Samira. His KDA went down from NaN to NaN. This negative change shows that Samira helps Draven perform poorer in competitive LoL rounds. Yet, the small difference demonstrates that this performance change is not very impactful.
When Draven is paired with Samira, he gets a little increase in his total damage output. This change could indicate that Samira helps provide protection for him to deal more damage or that her presence on the team also helps extend the round's duration. Similarly, when Draven is played with Samira on the same team, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees compared to when he plays without Samira. This is contrasting evidence that he is worse when playing alongside Samira.
Additionally, when Draven plays with Samira on the same side, he usually receives more damage than when he fights alone. Taking more damage could indicate that Samira does a poor job of covering Draven during teamfights.
There is no perfect champion pairing for Draven that will no matter what be his top ally. Yet, overall, Samira is a pretty good companion for Draven. By being on the same team as Draven, she raises their win rate by 2.4% to 52.1%. This signals that there is a potentially meaningful synergy between Draven and Samira that allows them to perform better together than without each other.
Samira has a lower difficulty than Draven. That means Draven players don't need to be cautious when arranging Samira allies to go into battle on the same side as, as they will require a relatively low level of skill to cooperate well with you.
Working on the same side, Draven players should observe an overall large increase in your team’s capability to deal physical damage. When paired, these two should be able to take down targets with auto-attacks and other AD damage abilities.
In contrast, by aligning Draven and Samira together, you may not be granting your other teammates very much magic damage. We recommend you bring other champs on your team that fills this gap in this pairing's kit.
Regardless of your Samira ally's ability, you need to focus on maximizing your income, warding to avoid ambushes, and taking down objectives. If you do this, you will do well anyway.
To learn all of the intricacies of Draven in order to work well with Samira during both the laning and mid / late game phases of League of Legends rounds, you should keep reading to pick up additional tricks and insights into this champion pairing. If you use the build and suggestions displayed above, you will grow your win rate significantly.
The most crucial finished items to build first in your Draven and Samira synergy build include Klinge der Unendlichkeit, Blutdürster, and Der Sammler. When Draven combined at least these three items in his build, he performed a lot better as an ally of Samira than with many other common item sets. In fact, Draven boasted an average winrate of 52.1% when synergizing his build and playstyle to Samira with this build.
To have the greatest likelihood of coming out on top against your oponents, Draven players should equip the Tödliches Tempo, Triumph, Legende: Blutdurst, Gnadenstoß, Geschmack von Blut, and Schatzjäger runes from the Präzision and Dominanz rune sets. Of all the rune combinations players picked for this team composition, this mix of runes yielded the top win rate. In fact, these runes averaged a 52.1% winrate overall.
If you need to get Draven with Samira cooperations tips and stats for a an individual division rank, please select one from the selection menu displayed above. If viewing for the first time, the stats and guides given are computed using every round finished with both champions.