Sei ein Vogel!
Versuche deine Soldaten in der Lane zwischen die gegnerischen Vasallen und den gegnerischen Champion zu positionieren. Auf diese Weise kannst du sie beide für Todesstöße nutzen und um deinen Lane-Gegenspieler zu bedrohen.
Sei vorsichtig, wenn du beide Soldaten von „Erhebe dich!“ einsetzt. Wenn du nicht gerade auf volles Risiko gehen willst, behalte immer einen Soldaten in der Hinterhand, falls du über eine Mauer entkommen musst oder deinen Soldaten falsch platziert hast und jetzt Schaden brauchst.
„Imperiale Phalanx“ solltest du zuallererst unter defensiven Gesichtspunkten betrachten. Setze es ein, wenn der Gegner dich oder deine Verbündeten angreift. Denke daran, dass dein Team durch die mithilfe von „Imperiale Phalanx“ beschworenen Soldaten hindurch gehen kann, und nutze dies zu deinem Vorteil, wenn gegnerische Nahkampf-Champions dich attackieren.
„Reißen“ eignet sich besonders gut für Todesstöße, da dessen Abklingzeit zurückgesetzt wird, falls es das Ziel tötet.
Wenn du einmal einen Bewegungsbefehl eingibst, um „Kriegerische Anmut“ auszulösen, wird Kalistas Ziel für den normalen Angriff nicht gelöscht.
Durch ihre passive Fähigkeit wird Kalistas Lauftempo durch Angriffstempo effektiv erhöht.
The Azir Kalista synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of his gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with Kalista, compared to his overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how his gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, Azir sees a very large drop in his KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with Kalista. His KDA went down from NaN to NaN. This fall shows that Kalista helps Azir perform not as well in competitive LoL matches. Yet, the small difference proves that this performance change is not very impactful.
When Azir is an ally to Kalista, he gets a small decrease in his total damage output. This could demonstrate that Kalista does not help cover for him to dish out more damage or that her allyship also helps increase the game's duration. Similarly, when Azir is played together with Kalista on the same side, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees than when he plays without Kalista. This is contrasting evidence that he is worse when playing alongside Kalista.
Moreover, when Azir plays with Kalista on the same team, he usually receives a little less damage than when he fights alone. Getting dealt not as much damage could mean that Kalista does a decent job of covering Azir during team fights.
There is no perfect companion for Azir that will no matter what be his top synergy. However, Kalista is a very typical teammate for Azir. By being on the same side as Azir, she decreases their win rate by -0.3% to 49.9%. This proves that there is not really a strong bond between Azir and Kalista that allows them to perform worse together than without each other.
Kalista has a lower difficulty than Azir. That means Azir players don't need to be cautious when lining up Kalista teammates to play with, as they will require a lower level of skill to do well with you.
When playing cooperatively, you should see an overall large increase in your team’s capacity to dish out massive AD. When paired, these champions should be able to take down targets with auto-attacks and other AD damage abilities.
In contrast, by pairing Azir and Kalista together, you will not be giving your team a lot of engage. Plan to include other champions on your team that fills this disparity in this pairing's kit.
Regardless of your Kalista ally's ability, you need to focus on increasing your income, outlasting your enemies, and taking down objectives. If you heed this simple advice, you should do well, regardless.
If you would like to truly master Azir in order to synergize with Kalista during both the early game and mid / late game phases of LoL games, you should keep reading to gather some more tips and tricks for this champion pairing. If you use the build and tips shown above, you will increase your win rate significantly.
The top finished items to include in your Azir and Kalista synergy build consist of Fluch des Lichs, Nashors Zahn, and Zhonyas Stundenglas. When Azir used at least these three finished items in his build, he performed significantly better when fighting alongside Kalista than with most other common builds. In fact, Azir had an average winrate of 49.9% when synergizing his build and playstyle to Kalista with this build.
To have the highest chance of defeating your oponents, you should equip the Leichtfüßigkeit, Geistesgegenwart, Legende: Eifer, Gnadenstoß, Manafluss, and Hitzewelle runes from the Präzision and Zauberei rune sets. Out of all the rune combinations players used for Azir and Kalista pairings, this set of runes resulted in the highest win rate. In fact, these runes provided a 49.9% win rate overall.
By default, tips, stats, and builds on how to pair Kalista with Azir are shown for all ranked divisions combined. If you would like to narrow the statistics and builds to a particular rank, you may use the selection menu located above.