Du kannst den Flug von „Legendärer Komet“ einsetzen, um mit „Sterneneruption“ extrem viel Schaden anzurichten.
Mit „Legendärer Komet“ kannst du dich schnell über die Karte bewegen, was ideal ist, um Druck auf andere Lanes auszuüben.
Bewahre dir „Stimme des Lichts“ auf, falls du dich gegen Nahkämpfer verteidigen musst oder benutze den Verlangsamungseffekt um einen Kampf über große Reichweite zu eröffnen.
Veigar ist anfangs besonders manaintensiv und benötigt Abklingzeitverringerung. Versuche, Gegenstände mit diesen Werten zu kaufen, um die Effektivität deines Passivs und von Unheilvoller Schlag zu steigern.
Veigar hält nicht viel aus, deshalb solltest du darauf achten, immer mindestens einen Beschwörerzauber zu haben, der defensiv eingesetzt werden kann.
Benutze Ereignishorizont, um deine Chancen zu erhöhen, Dunkle Materie zu platzieren.
The Aurelion Sol Veigar synergy stats shown here demonstrate the areas of his gameplay that do better (or worse) when paired with Veigar, compared to his overall stats. Significant differences are areas of focus that highlight how his gameplay changes when paired with this other champion.
Overall, Aurelion Sol sees a very large drop in his KDA (ratio of kills and assists to deaths) when paired with Veigar. His KDA worsened from NaN to NaN. This negative change shows that Veigar helps Aurelion Sol perform worse in competitive League matches. Yet, the small difference demonstrates that this performance change is not very impactful.
When Aurelion Sol plays on the same team as Veigar, he sees a little drop in his complete damage output. This difference could demonstrate that Veigar does not provide protection for him to deal more damage or that his allyship also helps increase the round's duration. Similarly, when Aurelion Sol is played with Veigar on the same team, he usually scores many fewer killing sprees than when he plays without Veigar. This is contrasting evidence that he is worse when playing synergisticly with Veigar.
Additionally, when Aurelion Sol plays with Veigar on the same side, he typically takes a little more damage than when he plays alone. Taking more damage could mean that Veigar does a poor job of covering Aurelion Sol in team fights.
There is no universally accepted best ally for Aurelion Sol that will no matter what be his #1 synergy. Yet, overall, Veigar is a terrible companion for Aurelion Sol. By playing on the same team as Aurelion Sol, he lowers their win rate by -3.9% to 46.7%. This proves that there is a terrible synergy between Aurelion Sol and Veigar that results in them performing worse together than alone.
Veigar has a lower difficulty than Aurelion Sol. That means Aurelion Sol players don't need to be very careful when finding Veigar allies to fight alongside, as they will have to have a relatively low level of skill to be able to do well with you.
Working together, you should witness an overall large increase in your team’s capacity to to do a lot of AP damage. When paired, these two are able to dish out a surprising amount of magic type damage.
Although, by pairing Aurelion Sol and Veigar together, you may not be providing your other allies a lot of AD. Make sure to have other champions on your team that neutralizes this relative gap in this pairing's kit.
Regardless of your Veigar ally's skill level, you need to focus on maximizing your income, warding to avoid ambushes, and taking down objectives. If you follow these simple suggestions, you should do well, regardless.
If you would like to learn all of the intricacies of Aurelion Sol to pair well with Veigar during both the early game and mid / late game phases of League matches, you should continue reading to gather a few extra tips and tricks for this champion pairing. If you listen to the build and stats shown here, you will grow your win rate significantly.
The top items to get in your Aurelion Sol and Veigar synergy build include Rabadons Todeshaube, Rylais Kristallzepter, and Liandrys Qual. When Aurelion Sol incorporated at least these three great items in his build, he performed significantly better when paired up with Veigar than with many other typical item sets. In fact, Aurelion Sol boasted an average winrate of 46.7% when playing alongside Veigar with this build.
To have the best chance of vanquishing your oponents, you should use the Arkaner Komet, Manafluss, Überlegenheit, Aufziehender Sturm, Magisches Schuhwerk, and Vasallenauflöser runes from the Zauberei and Inspiration rune sets. Of all the rune combinations players used for this champion pairing, this combo of runes resulted in the top win rate. Moreover, these runes averaged a 46.7% win rate overall.
If you would like to get Aurelion Sol and Veigar synergy tips and stats for a a particular division, feel free to select one from the selection menu above. By default, the statistics and strategies displayed are calculated using every round with data with these champions.