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Blümchen kann Skillshots blocken und Gegner verlangsamen. Benutze sie, um Gegner von deinen Teamkollegen abzudrängen!
Dunkle Materie verursacht sehr hohen Schaden, man kann dieser Fähigkeit aber entgehen. Achte auf den Ton und die Grafik, um zu sehen, wo und wann sie einschlägt.
Der Schaden, den Veigar mit seiner ultimativen Fähigkeit austeilt, erhöht sich mit deinem fehlenden Leben.
Ereignishorizont betäubt nur Einheiten am Rand. Innerhalb des Zaubers kann man sich immer noch bewegen und angreifen.
The stat comparisons shown here clarify some valuable Ivern versus Veigar matchup stats that may help you explain the distinctions between the pair. As an example, Ivern’s KDA ratio ([kills + assists] / deaths) of NaN is greater than Veigar’s KDA ratio of NaN, highlighting that Ivern may be more central to his team's team fighting effectiveness than Veigar. This observation is largely caused by the differences in assists.
Ivern normally has a significantly smaller longest kill spree than his opponent does. Commonly, he takes a similar amount of damage to Veigar. This is usually reflective of different amounts of tankyness; however, it can also hint that the one champ has less agility and thus is not able to escape further damage when poked or engaged.
Both League of Legends champs are great. Both champs have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. In the game's current meta, Ivern usually wins when playing against Veigar, with a 52.8% win rate. Therefore, Ivern makes a good counter for Veigar.
While Ivern does have a higher win rate compared to Veigar, when they face off with one another, Ivern also has a greater learning curve that makes him a more complex champion to develop with. You don't need to be too worried when picking Ivern into Veigaras his relative depth means that you may not be able to unleash his full potential without a lot of practice beforehand.
Moreover, Ivern has some amount of utility and CC, a similar amount to Veigar. This often makes her just as valuable during teamfights, especially when fighting champions with a lot of burst damage.
While there is not a single best champion in League of Legends, in Ivern vs Veigar matchups, Ivern is the better champ with a noticably higher win rate, similar champion depth, and a similar amount of utility to help out your allied champions during team fights.
Ivern is a good counter to Veigar. You will do well by focussing your actions on keeping up your CS and taking out objectives. If you are able to do that, you should be able to stand on your own as Ivern against Veigar.
If you would like to truly master Ivern in order to counter Veigar during both the lane and mid / late game phases of League of Legends, you should keep reading to gather a few extra tips and tricks for this matchup. If you pay attention to the build and tips displayed here, you should increase your win rate by a lot and be that much closer to League of Legends pro players.
Ivern most often gets a lot less CS compared to Veigar. Champions who typically don't take much CS usualy don't need much CS to be valuable teammates, such as support champions. These kinds of champions are capable of scaling well off of their skills, stats, and first items alone. Yet, champions with large amounts of CS, such as hyper-carries, typically need several high cost items to be effective. In either situation, try to do better than the values shown here to do well.
The top items to use in your Ivern versus Veigar build include Shurelyas Kampfhymne, Stab des fließenden Wassers, and Mondstein-Erneuerer. When Ivern combined at least these three pieces in his build, he did a lot better vs Veigar than with most other typical builds. In fact, Ivern had an average win rate of 52.8% when countering Veigar with these items in his kit.
To have the highest likelihood of defeating Veigar as Ivern, Ivern players should use the Benefee-Beschwörung, Nimbus-Umhang, Überlegenheit, Wasserlauf, Kosmische Einsicht, and Zukunftsmarkt runes from the Zauberei and Inspiration rune sets. Of all the rune sets players used for Ivern vs Veigar face-offs, this combination of runes yielded the highest win rate. Moreover, these runes provided a 52.8% winrate overall.
If you want to view Ivern x Veigar tips and counter stats for a an individual player tier, feel free to choose one from the selection menu shown above. At first, the statistics and guides given are computed using all matches finished with both champions.