In LoL, Ziggs can use Hexplosive Minefield to slow down his enemies and set up other abilities/combos.
Ziggs has a lot of range. With his Q, you can last hit and poke from beyond just about any enemy champion's range. Don't put yourself in unnesessary danger. Poke from range. If your enemy does get too close, you can either slow them down or launch them away with your other abilities.
Save Satchel Charge to escape from enemies or chase down enemies. You can also use it to stop your lane opponent from escaping your team's gank. When using Satchel Charge to help take down a tower, make sure you don't use it too early, or it will be wasted. There's a very strict cutoff for it to deal its bonus damage.
League of Legends Ziggs players could find him to be a confusing champ to build out properly. You will find that his build is modified when he is up against either well-rounded or homogenous team compositions, demonstrating you shouldn't follow the same Ziggs build every round of League of Legends
The most critical items to use in your champ's build include: Luden's Tempest, Seraph's Embrace, and Rabadon's Deathcap. Players who included these items in their setups had a better win rate than players who worked towards other builds for Ziggs. Moreover, if you are trying to beat a well-mixed enemy team composition, you should strongly consider getting Ziggs the Inspiration, and Sorcery runes. In recent matches, he won the greatest number of his games when built with these runes.
We calculated our Ziggs build recommendations by examining 36,845 recently ranked LoL rounds with him selected. We only advise the best winrate Ziggs builds that were used by ranked League players enough times for us to propose them. With so many games in our dataset, we are very confident in our provided builds.