The best champs not in lane to counter Vayne include Nidalee, Sejuani, and Nunu & Willump. These champs are all good at countering Vayne with decent win rates over 57%. Even if these Vayne counter picks are not chosen in the same position as you, it's not smart to choose her into any of these matchups. They will often destroy Vayne.
Yet, if the enemy team choses either Teemo or Lillia, Vayne mains should strongly consider choosing her, as she easily crushes these champions with win rates over 55% against both ofthem.
Strike in the Early Game: Vayne is known to be very weak during the early stages of the game. Use this to your advantage by setting up constant ganks from your team. Her short-range also makes her an easy target so make it a point to apply pressure in her lane.
Leverage Crowd Control: Crowd control is Vayne's kryptonite, and can effectively neutralize her in battles. When she's crowd controlled, seize the opportunity to get rid of her quickly.
Starve her of Gold and XP: Vayne needs a lot of time to scale due to the nature of her kit. Deny her the opportunity to farm for gold and experience. If she falls behind, she will struggle to dish out damage in fights.
Exploit her Mechanically Demanding Playstyle: Vayne requires significant skill to play properly, and one mistake can result in her death. Try to force her into making mistakes by putting her in difficult situations.
Stick to her like glue during Mid-Game: Vayne is vulnerable and easy to kill if she's on her own during the mid-game. Capitalize on this weakness by sticking close to her so that she can't freely roam around and snowball.
Disrupt her Ultimate: Vayne relies heavily on her Ultimate R in team fights for her invisibility. Without it, she's pretty much reliant on her team. Whenever she activates her Ultimate, try disrupting her with crowd control or high burst damage.
Play Aggressively Against her in Late Game: Despite her late game strength, Vayne is easily taken down if she gets caught in crowd control or heavy damage. Play aggressively and aim to eliminate her early in team fights to prevent her from carrying the game.
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To limit the Vayne counters to a particular ranked tier only, pick the desired tier from the dropdown menu above. The recommended champion counters will be revised. If you would like great champion pairings for your own allies to advance your win percentage, take a look at our Vayne synergies.
We comb through millions of League of Legends matches pulled directly from Riot Games servers each week to give you an advantage. We analyze the data using advanced algorithms to bring you the most accurate Vayne counters online. Having evaluated so many matches gives us lots of faith in our conclusions.
The Vayne counter matchups shown below include data from Silver+ tiers and champions in all positions. Click an individual Vayne matchup to see a detailed build, stats, and advice to win your next fight. You will also have the opportunity to further refine your tier selection.