Target Condemn such that the enemy champion is pinned against a wall. Use this during teamfights to focus down an enemy.
Vayne is very squishy; it's important to be cautious early on and farm up items as fast as possible to help the team later.
Vayne's true damage absolutely shreds enemy tanks. In the late game, she's can take just about any champ down, quickly.
Practice your positioning. Try to keep your enemy between yourself and a wall to ensure that Condemn can stun them. Doing so can prevent the enemy from being able to engage you.
LoL Vayne players could find her to be a difficult champ to build out properly. You'll notice that her build is modified when she is fighting either generic or highly focused team compositions, indicating you should not select the same Vayne build every round of League of Legends
The best items to use in your champ's build include: Trinity Force, Wit's End, and Maw of Malmortius. Players who added these items in their gear had a greater win rate than players who worked towards other builds for Vayne. Likewise, if you are fighting a well-mixed enemy team composition, you should really consider grabbing her the Precision, and Resolve runes. In recent matches, she won the largest number of her rounds when using these runes.
We came up with our Vayne build recommendations by examining 199,401 recently ranked League matches with her in them. We only propose the best winrate Vayne builds that were built by ranked players enough times for us to advise them. With so many games in our data, we are quite confident in our provided builds.