Sona is an incredibly strong ranged support that can dramatically shift team fights. Make sure to group and tackle objectives when Sona's abilities are ready.
Try to catch as many enemy champions as possible with Crescendo. If you can get several enemies, your team can surely take them down during the stun duration.
Sona has great poke in lane. Comboing her Q and AA will allow you to deal decent damage from relative safety. Her self-heal helps reduce the impact of taking a few hits while poking.
League of Legends Sona players will likely find her to be a confusing character to build out properly. You'll notice that her build is modified when she is fighting either well-rounded or specialized team compositions, indicating you shouldn't select the same Sona build every single round of League of Legends
The most important items to incorporate into your champion's build are: Moonstone Renewer, Seraph's Embrace, and Staff of Flowing Water. Those who included these items in their builds had a much better win rate than players who tried for other Sona builds. Moreover, if you are fighting a mixed enemy team comp, you should strongly consider getting her the Sorcery, and Inspiration runes. In recent matches, she won the greatest number of her rounds when built with these runes.
We set our Sona build suggestions by analyzing 81,757 recently ranked League rounds with her selected. We only advise the best winrate Sona builds that were built by ranked LoL players enough times for us to reccomend them. With so many matches in our data, we are very confident in our recommended builds.