Thanks to Poppy's K/D/A and utility, she has a somewhat poor overall win rate. She does best in the early game, with a winrate of 50% in that phase. Unfortunately, she does worst in the mid game, where Poppy's win rate is 48.4%., The difference between her best and worst game phases is only 1.6%. This small difference indicates that her relative power is consistent during a whole match.
In the current meta, Poppy is somewhat popular. She has been used in 3.1% of recently ranked matches. She is rarely banned during champion select. Obviously, very few players see her as a substantial threat. In the latest ranked rounds, Poppy was banned 1.3% of the time.
You can see her typically laning in the jungle position. However, that is not the best position for her. The top win rate position for Poppy is support (52%). At this time, Poppy's meta game is focused on utility and support. In particular, her kit should mostly be centered around assisting others. Furthermore, she is an ok physical damage dealer champ. Dealing magical damage is the least critical part of Poppy’s playstyle.
You should expect to have to to spend a decent amount of time practicing and learning to master Poppy. Most LoL gamers believe she is an average difficulty champ to get good at. Poppy mostly does physical damage (77% of her total damage). She doesn't deal much of other damage types and should not be played as hybrid damage dealer..
Poppy deals a good amount of damage during a normal round (15,499 damage). You may want to focus on developing her as a damage dealing champion to destroy your foes.
She is an average damage dealer on the Rift with 5.1 kills on average each game. That is one of the highest kill rates among all jungles. Moreover, she has a somewhat typical death rate with an average of 5.5 deaths per LoL match. Furthermore, Poppy's KDA is typically very high with an average KDA ratio of 2.6 as well as 9.3 assists per game.
The best Poppy players know who their champion is, and they adapt their gameplay around their champion's playstyle. Poppy is great at many things, but not everything. By focusing more on accentuating your strengths than filling in your weaknesses, you are more likely to win your next game of League of Legends.
Furthermore, you should know when your champion spikes in power in order to be prepared and take advantage of your powerful position while it lasts. Not all LoL champions are strong throughout the entire game length. Some grow in power while others fade. Some start strong and fall off completely in the late game. Poppy is best in the early game.
Pay attention to the stats comparison shown above, which compares Poppy against all other champions. You can see their strengths and weaknesses relative to others of the same champion type. You can either try to overcome some of the weaknesses, or you can work to strengthen their talents.
We comb through millions of League of Legends matches pulled directly from Riot’s servers each week and analyze the data using advanced algorithms to bring you the most accurate Poppy stats online. We analyze the data by tier, so you can find the most relevant Poppy win rate and other stats.