The top champions out of lane to counter Olaf include Sivir, Seraphine, and Kalista. These are all great at countering Olaf with decent win rates over 62%. Even if these Olaf counter picks are not played in the same position as you, it's not a good idea to play him into one of these matchups. They will usually beat Olaf.
Conversely, if the opposite team brings either Jayce or Rumble, Olaf mains should seriously think about taking him, as he easily crushes these champions with win rates over 52% against each ofthem.
Olaf is a formidable opponent and excels in 1v1 combat situations, so avoid engaging him solo. Utilize a team strategy and leverage crowd attacks to overcome his strengths.
Taking advantage of timing is key. When Olaf's ultimate R is down, he becomes highly immobile and vulnerable. Seize these moments to strike and kill him quickly before he regenerates.
Olaf is particularly fierce in the early game due his Passive and his capacity to chase opponents with his Q. It's advised to play defensively in the early stages of the match until his aggressiveness diminishes.
Pay special attention to his level 6 power spike. This is when he attains his ultimate R and becomes a notable threat. Avoid confrontation during this time, especially if you are an immobile carry.
Kit yourself out properly. Olaf is vulnerable to ranged champions with dashes as they can kite him and dodge his Axes Q. It will be in your interest to choose champions with such abilities or mobility.
If Olaf gets ahead and starts becoming a serious threat, remember he becomes weaker in late game as your team starts building defensive items. Hang in there, retreat if necessary, and prepare for the late game pushback.
Do not underestimate the power of short burst trades, especially after landing your Q. This strategy will be beneficial during all-ins, providing you with an edge in battle.
To see the details and best Olaf counter builds for a specific matchup, you can click the related row in one of the tables above. If you want specific Ashe counters not highlighted above, you may use the filters below to find details on your specific Olaf matchup.
To limit the Olaf counters to a particular ranked tier only, pick the desired tier from the dropdown menu above. The recommended champion counters will be revised. If you would like great champion pairings for your own allies to advance your win percentage, take a look at our Olaf synergies.
We comb through millions of League of Legends matches pulled directly from Riot Games servers each week to give you an advantage. We analyze the data using advanced algorithms to bring you the most accurate Olaf counters online. Having evaluated so many matches gives us lots of faith in our conclusions.
The Olaf counter matchups shown below include data from Silver+ tiers and champions in all positions. Click an individual Olaf matchup to see a detailed build, stats, and advice to win your next fight. You will also have the opportunity to further refine your tier selection.