The best picks out of lane to counter Wukong include Kog'Maw, Zeri, and Kai'Sa. These champions are all good at countering Wukong with win rates over 61%. Even if these Wukong counter picks are not used opposite your position, it's not smart to take him into these matchups. They will often win against Wukong.
Yet, if the other team brings either Rumble or Tahm Kench, Wukong mains should seriously think about choosing him, as he easily dominates these selections with win rates over 53% against both ofthem.
Take advantage of Wukong's early game vulnerability: Wukong is relatively inefficient before accessing his Ultimate R. Use this period to invade his territory and weaken him early on, especially if you can bring a teammate along for extra support.
Prioritize proper vision placement: Wukong possesses formidable stealth abilities, especially with his W, which allows him to initiate ganks and dodge enemy attacks. However, maintaining good vision control, particularly in the early game, can severely limit his ability to surprise you and your team.
Beware of his dueling abilities: Wukong excels in extended trades due to the mechanisms of his Q and E skills. Avoid overextending your stay in his lane and falling victim to his impressive duel capabilities.
Exploit his limited self-peel capabilities: Once Wukong's W is down, he becomes an easier target to catch up with and crowd control. Use this window to force him to recall and thereby disrupt his momentum.
Watch out for his Ultimate Spike: At level six, Wukong's potency noticeably increases, giving him the ability to significantly impact team fights. Anticipate his skirmishes and adjust your strategy accordingly.
Prevent his ganking: Wukong can easily roam and surprise unsuspecting targets. Keep yourself and your laners safe by warding efficiently and watching out for his attempts to gank.
Stay resilient late in the game: While Wukong becomes quite powerful and tanky late in the game, he has difficulty dealing with enemies who have invested in defensive items. Don't waiver in facing him and remember to frequently group up with your team for strength in numbers.
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We comb through millions of League of Legends matches pulled directly from Riot Games servers each week to give you an advantage. We analyze the data using advanced algorithms to bring you the most accurate Wukong counters online. Having evaluated so many matches gives us lots of faith in our conclusions.
The Wukong counter matchups shown below include data from Silver+ tiers and champions in all positions. Click an individual Wukong matchup to see a detailed build, stats, and advice to win your next fight. You will also have the opportunity to further refine your tier selection.