Background Image
League of Legends Champion Miss FortuneMiss Fortune is in the b tier of champions

Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune is a marksmanRolemarksman
Power SpikeMid-Game
Love Tap abilityp
Double Up abilityq
Strut abilityw
Make It Rain abilitye
Bullet Time abilityr

Miss Fortune Build

based on 288,825 matches
Win Rate
51.2 %
Pick Rate
17.8 %
Ban Rate
7.2 %

How We Come Up with Our Miss Fortune Builds

We process over 1 Million League of Legends games every day to bring you the most accurate Miss Fortune build so you can destroy your enemies and improve you win rate. We've broken down our Miss Fortune builds by rank, position, and enemy team type, so you can find the most accurate set of Miss Fortune core items and runes for any situation.

Miss Fortune Build Summary

Miss Fortune is a a solid bottom lane champ in League of Legends. Her best rune sets are Domination Precision. Adding the specific runes shown below in your Miss Fortune build will give you the additional stats to help her play well through the laning phase of the round and into the late game. Miss Fortune players should start by leveling up her q ability first.

Best vsAll Build for Miss Fortune


Starter Items

Time Target
Long SwordDoran's Blade

Early Items

~5 Mins
Long SwordYoumuu's Ghostblade

Core Miss Fortune Items

~22 Mins
Duskblade of DraktharrEssence ReaverThe CollectorBoots of Swiftness

Optional Items

Edge of NightGuardian AngelSerylda's GrudgeAxiom Arc

Summoner Spells

summonerflash summoner spell D
summonerheal summoner spell F

Skill Order

First skill for Miss Fortune to level upq
Second ability for Miss Fortune to level upw
Last skill for Miss Fortune to max oute


DominationDark HarvestTaste of BloodEyeball CollectionUltimate Hunter
PrecisionTriumphLegend: Alacrity
Adaptive ForceAdaptive ForceArmor
Miss Fortune's passive ability p
Miss Fortune's q ability q
Miss Fortune's w ability w
Miss Fortune's e ability e
Miss Fortune's ultimate ability r

Miss Fortune Matchups Overview

More Gameplay Tips for Miss Fortune Players

Tips and Tricks

Alternating between targets can maximize the damage dealth from Love Tap.

Strut is an excellent tool to close the gap during a chase or to escape a team fight. She has

Miss Fortune FAQs

Q: What are Miss Fortune's greatest strengths?

A: Miss Fortune has great teamfight potential. Her Ult does a massive amonut of damage in a very wide area of effect, especially in the late game. It's not uncommon for her to kill most opponents that are caught in her Ult, even if they are full health. Stack lots of damage in your Miss Fortune build to carry team fights. Your Ult synergizes very well with other champions that have AoE stuns or impairs, such as Leona, Malphite, and Amumu. <br> Miss Furtune also has great poke in lane. With her Q, she can deal great damage without taking minion aggro. You just need to position yourself well to aim the follow-up shot at the enemy champ.

Q: What is Miss Fortune's biggest weakness?

A: Her greatest threats come from the fact that her abiltiies can be dodged or interrupted by the right champions. Her Ult is a channel ability. If the enemy team can easily interrupt her cast, she won't be much of a threat. Additionally, while her Q is powerful, a skilled player can position themselves well to avoid most pokes.

Q: Is AP Miss Fortune viable?

A: AP Miss Fortune is viable, but usually not as the team's main carry. With the proper AP Miss Fortune build, she will deal great AoE damage-over-time using both her E and her Ult. You usually only see AP Miss Fortune played as a support. Even then, it usually isn't better than most other support champions. It can be good against some team compositions and is fun to play, but in competitive play, we really recommend players to stick with AD Miss Fortune.

Q: What is the best way to farm with Miss Fortune?

A: Miss Fortune's passive causes her to deal bonus damage to her auto attack target if her last auto attack wasn't against the same target. This can help ensure your last hit get the minion and you the kill gold. If you want to clear minions quickly to push on an objective, you should switch between them to maximize your damage.

Additional Miss Fortune Build Insights

League of Legends Miss Fortune players will find her to be a confusing champion to build out properly. You'll see that her build changes when she is playing against either well-rounded or homogenous team compositions, indicating you shouldn't select the same Miss Fortune build every single round of League of Legends

The best items to incorporate into your champ's build are: Duskblade of Draktharr, Essence Reaver, and The Collector. Players who added these pieces in their kits had a greater winrate than those who utilized other item builds for Miss Fortune. Likewise, if you are battling a well-mixed enemy team composition, you should strongly consider getting her the Domination, and Precision runes. In recent games, she won the largest percentage of her rounds when using these runes.

We established our Miss Fortune build suggestions by examining 288,825 recently ranked League of Legends matches with her in them. We only propose the highest winrate Miss Fortune builds that have been used by ranked gamers enough times for us to advise them. With so many rounds in our data, we are confident in our recommended builds.