Background Image
League of Legends Champion KennenKennen is in the b tier of champions


Kennen is a mageRolemage
Power SpikeMid-Game
Mark of the Storm abilityp
Thundering Shuriken abilityq
Electrical Surge abilityw
Lightning Rush abilitye
Slicing Maelstrom abilityr

Kennen Counters

based on 25,474 matches
Win Rate
47.5 %
Pick Rate
2.1 %
Ban Rate
0.6 %

How We Analyze Our Counter Kennen Data

We analyze millions of League of Legends games each week, pulled directly from Riot Games, to determine the best and worst Kennen counters. At this moment, our detailed counter Kennen data is based on 25,474 recent games and will show you which champions have the highest and lowest win rates against him.

Kennen Counters Summary

In the selected top lane, Kennen is best against Renekton and Volibear, with win rates of 57.4% and 56.4%, respectively. He make an excellent counter pick to both of these champions. Yet, he is not good in top lane against Wukong and Nasus. You should be careful about playing Kennen into either of these two champs.

Kennen Matchups in Lane

Kennen middle Counters

Kennen bottom Counters

Kennen support Counters

Additional Info for Kennen Players

Kennen Counters Summary (Continued)

The greatest picks globally to counter Kennen include Zeri, Kog'Maw, and Kai'Sa. These picks are all good at countering Kennen with high win rates over 67%. Even if these Kennen counter picks are not played opposite your position, it's not smart to take him into one of these matchups. They will most often win against Kennen.

Conversely, if the opposite team picks either Rumble or Poppy, Kennen mains should strongly consider taking him, as he easily beats these champs with win rates over 53% against both ofthem.

How to Counter Kennen

Kennen's Ult does massive AoE damage with a hard stun. He excels in teamfights and makes it challenging to fight in close spaces, such as around. Baron and Dragon. Kennen counters burst champions susceptible to CC.

Try not to clump up during teamfights because Kennen can get your entire team in the Slicing Maelstrom AOE if he gets into the middle.

Kennen is fairly squishy and can be burst down quickly.

Kennen's weakness lies in his early game - he's quite squishy and can be taken down easily. Gradually poking him down forces him out of the lane, and when his E is down, he is an easy gank target. So, aim to dominate early, harass him constantly, and work closely with your Jungler for successful ganks.

Wave management techniques can be a game-changer against Kennen. By utilizing such strategies, you can bait him, making him a more accessible target for kills, especially when he is pushed up.

A vision-controlled game could be your best bet against Kennen, as he relies heavily on flanks for team fight wins. Secure proper vision to prevent him from penetrating your backline and causing massive damage.

Kennen tends to be a lane bully that wins melee matchups with ease. Scouting for potential flanks and positioning yourself wisely can turn the tide of the match, even when you are against the ropes.

It's important not to underestimate Kennen's damage potential, which can significantly grow over time. His ultimate ability can deal widespread damage, so try to delay team fights while you wait for his Ultimate R to recharge. To stay ahead of Kennen, focus on farming and scaling, maintaining an early lead and ensuring your own progress in gold and XP.

How to Use this Countering Kennen Guide

To see the details and best Kennen counter builds for a specific matchup, you can click the related row in one of the tables above. If you want specific Ashe counters not highlighted above, you may use the filters below to find details on your specific Kennen matchup.

To limit the Kennen counters to a particular ranked tier only, pick the desired tier from the dropdown menu above. The recommended champion counters will be revised. If you would like great champion pairings for your own allies to advance your win percentage, take a look at our Kennen synergies.

We comb through millions of League of Legends matches pulled directly from Riot Games servers each week to give you an advantage. We analyze the data using advanced algorithms to bring you the most accurate Kennen counters online. Having evaluated so many matches gives us lots of faith in our conclusions.

All Kennen Matchups

The Kennen counter matchups shown below include data from Silver+ tiers and champions in all positions. Click an individual Kennen matchup to see a detailed build, stats, and advice to win your next fight. You will also have the opportunity to further refine your tier selection.

Kennen vs Kog'Maw
Kog'Maw156 Games
In Game
60.3 %
Kennen vs Nidalee
Nidalee152 Games
In Game
57.9 %
Kennen vs Renekton
Renekton344 Games
In Game
56.7 %
Kennen vs Sejuani
Sejuani206 Games
In Game
55.3 %
Kennen vs Orianna
Orianna323 Games
In Game
54.5 %
Kennen vs Yuumi
Yuumi465 Games
In Game
54.2 %
Kennen vs Zeri
Zeri243 Games
In Game
53.9 %
Kennen vs Rell
Rell275 Games
In Game
53.8 %
Kennen vs Ryze
Ryze211 Games
In Game
53.6 %
Kennen vs Ahri
Ahri609 Games
In Game
53.4 %
Kennen vs Hwei
Hwei1,038 Games
In Game
53 %
Kennen vs Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV296 Games
In Game
53 %
Kennen vs Gwen
Gwen425 Games
In Game
52.5 %
Kennen vs Gangplank
Gangplank350 Games
In Game
52.3 %
Kennen vs Anivia
Anivia327 Games
In Game
52.3 %
Kennen vs LeBlanc
LeBlanc415 Games
In Game
52.3 %
Kennen vs Warwick
Warwick774 Games
In Game
52.1 %
Kennen vs Lulu
Lulu382 Games
In Game
52.1 %
Kennen vs Braum
Braum284 Games
In Game
52.1 %
Kennen vs Yone
Yone1,388 Games
In Game
52.1 %
Kennen vs Ashe
Ashe1,375 Games
In Game
52 %
Kennen vs Volibear
Volibear394 Games
In Game
52 %
Kennen vs Kai'Sa
Kai'Sa894 Games
In Game
51.8 %
Kennen vs Singed
Singed475 Games
In Game
51.8 %
Kennen vs Karthus
Karthus315 Games
In Game
51.7 %
Kennen vs Yasuo
Yasuo1,456 Games
In Game
51.6 %
Kennen vs Zilean
Zilean287 Games
In Game
51.6 %
Kennen vs Viktor
Viktor359 Games
In Game
51.5 %
Kennen vs Gnar
Gnar288 Games
In Game
51.4 %
Kennen vs Ziggs
Ziggs276 Games
In Game
51.4 %
Kennen vs Ezreal
Ezreal1,292 Games
In Game
51.2 %
Kennen vs Tristana
Tristana635 Games
In Game
51 %
Kennen vs Pyke
Pyke744 Games
In Game
50.9 %
Kennen vs Samira
Samira1,037 Games
In Game
50.9 %
Kennen vs Nunu & Willump
Nunu & Willump508 Games
In Game
50.8 %
Kennen vs Hecarim
Hecarim587 Games
In Game
50.8 %
Kennen vs Jayce
Jayce380 Games
In Game
50.8 %
Kennen vs Rengar
Rengar835 Games
In Game
50.7 %
Kennen vs Akali
Akali1,416 Games
In Game
50.7 %
Kennen vs Elise
Elise192 Games
In Game
50.5 %
Kennen vs Veigar
Veigar622 Games
In Game
50.5 %
Kennen vs Sivir
Sivir285 Games
In Game
50.5 %
Kennen vs Garen
Garen639 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Kennen vs Camille
Camille274 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Kennen vs Olaf
Olaf181 Games
In Game
50.3 %
Kennen vs Evelynn
Evelynn601 Games
In Game
50.2 %
Kennen vs Kha'Zix
Kha'Zix678 Games
In Game
50.1 %
Kennen vs Heimerdinger
Heimerdinger294 Games
In Game
50 %
Kennen vs Nilah
Nilah312 Games
In Game
50 %
Kennen vs Vel'Koz
Vel'Koz430 Games
In Game
49.8 %
Kennen vs Morgana
Morgana950 Games
In Game
49.8 %
Kennen vs Milio
Milio536 Games
In Game
49.8 %
Kennen vs Janna
Janna659 Games
In Game
49.8 %
Kennen vs Zed
Zed818 Games
In Game
49.8 %
Kennen vs Qiyana
Qiyana306 Games
In Game
49.7 %
Kennen vs Shyvana
Shyvana292 Games
In Game
49.7 %
Kennen vs Yorick
Yorick441 Games
In Game
49.7 %
Kennen vs Amumu
Amumu486 Games
In Game
49.6 %
Kennen vs Irelia
Irelia685 Games
In Game
49.6 %
Kennen vs K'Sante
K'Sante331 Games
In Game
49.5 %
Kennen vs Xayah
Xayah323 Games
In Game
49.5 %
Kennen vs Cho'Gath
Cho'Gath523 Games
In Game
49.5 %
Kennen vs Sion
Sion645 Games
In Game
49.5 %
Kennen vs Vladimir
Vladimir667 Games
In Game
49.5 %
Kennen vs Master Yi
Master Yi992 Games
In Game
49.4 %
Kennen vs Thresh
Thresh894 Games
In Game
49.4 %
Kennen vs Talon
Talon500 Games
In Game
49.4 %
Kennen vs Lee Sin
Lee Sin682 Games
In Game
49.4 %
Kennen vs Pantheon
Pantheon936 Games
In Game
49.3 %
Kennen vs Gragas
Gragas410 Games
In Game
49.3 %
Kennen vs Senna
Senna1,652 Games
In Game
49.3 %
Kennen vs Darius
Darius816 Games
In Game
49.3 %
Kennen vs Draven
Draven736 Games
In Game
49.2 %
Kennen vs Azir
Azir393 Games
In Game
49.1 %
Kennen vs Syndra
Syndra493 Games
In Game
49.1 %
Kennen vs Corki
Corki245 Games
In Game
49 %
Kennen vs Kindred
Kindred456 Games
In Game
48.9 %
Kennen vs Vi
Vi587 Games
In Game
48.9 %
Kennen vs Alistar
Alistar404 Games
In Game
48.8 %
Kennen vs Jax
Jax1,570 Games
In Game
48.8 %
Kennen vs Graves
Graves1,098 Games
In Game
48.8 %
Kennen vs Fiora
Fiora546 Games
In Game
48.7 %
Kennen vs Naafiri
Naafiri273 Games
In Game
48.7 %
Kennen vs Lucian
Lucian1,504 Games
In Game
48.7 %
Kennen vs Caitlyn
Caitlyn2,073 Games
In Game
48.7 %
Kennen vs Rek'Sai
Rek'Sai117 Games
In Game
48.7 %
Kennen vs Soraka
Soraka508 Games
In Game
48.6 %
Kennen vs Xerath
Xerath919 Games
In Game
48.6 %
Kennen vs Quinn
Quinn317 Games
In Game
48.6 %
Kennen vs Seraphine
Seraphine1,012 Games
In Game
48.5 %
Kennen vs Lissandra
Lissandra293 Games
In Game
48.5 %
Kennen vs Nautilus
Nautilus879 Games
In Game
48.5 %
Kennen vs Malphite
Malphite814 Games
In Game
48.3 %
Kennen vs Aatrox
Aatrox1,143 Games
In Game
48.3 %
Kennen vs Riven
Riven772 Games
In Game
48.2 %
Kennen vs Twitch
Twitch895 Games
In Game
48.2 %
Kennen vs Kayn
Kayn932 Games
In Game
48.2 %
Kennen vs Brand
Brand1,285 Games
In Game
48.2 %
Kennen vs Malzahar
Malzahar691 Games
In Game
48.2 %
Kennen vs Udyr
Udyr647 Games
In Game
48.2 %
Kennen vs Lux
Lux1,976 Games
In Game
48 %
Kennen vs Akshan
Akshan452 Games
In Game
48 %
Kennen vs Renata Glasc
Renata Glasc200 Games
In Game
48 %
Kennen vs Katarina
Katarina848 Games
In Game
48 %
Kennen vs Jhin
Jhin2,626 Games
In Game
47.9 %
Kennen vs Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia211 Games
In Game
47.9 %
Kennen vs Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol315 Games
In Game
47.9 %
Kennen vs Blitzcrank
Blitzcrank814 Games
In Game
47.9 %
Kennen vs Viego
Viego831 Games
In Game
47.8 %
Kennen vs Wukong
Wukong243 Games
In Game
47.7 %
Kennen vs Urgot
Urgot421 Games
In Game
47.7 %
Kennen vs Mordekaiser
Mordekaiser1,374 Games
In Game
47.5 %
Kennen vs Aphelios
Aphelios515 Games
In Game
47.4 %
Kennen vs Bard
Bard660 Games
In Game
47.4 %
Kennen vs Varus
Varus938 Games
In Game
47.3 %
Kennen vs Ivern
Ivern223 Games
In Game
47.1 %
Kennen vs Diana
Diana891 Games
In Game
47.1 %
Kennen vs Sett
Sett535 Games
In Game
47.1 %
Kennen vs Zoe
Zoe285 Games
In Game
47 %
Kennen vs Vayne
Vayne1,178 Games
In Game
47 %
Kennen vs Bel'Veth
Bel'Veth522 Games
In Game
46.9 %
Kennen vs Annie
Annie339 Games
In Game
46.9 %
Kennen vs Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate815 Games
In Game
46.9 %
Kennen vs Shen
Shen360 Games
In Game
46.9 %
Kennen vs Ekko
Ekko1,061 Games
In Game
46.8 %
Kennen vs Nami
Nami638 Games
In Game
46.7 %
Kennen vs Vex
Vex394 Games
In Game
46.7 %
Kennen vs Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao752 Games
In Game
46.7 %
Kennen vs Kayle
Kayle593 Games
In Game
46.7 %
Kennen vs Sylas
Sylas766 Games
In Game
46.6 %
Kennen vs Tryndamere
Tryndamere476 Games
In Game
46.4 %
Kennen vs Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune2,794 Games
In Game
46.4 %
Kennen vs Karma
Karma582 Games
In Game
46.4 %
Kennen vs Briar
Briar925 Games
In Game
46.4 %
Kennen vs Nocturne
Nocturne1,047 Games
In Game
46.3 %
Kennen vs Jinx
Jinx1,047 Games
In Game
46.2 %
Kennen vs Fiddlesticks
Fiddlesticks372 Games
In Game
46.2 %
Kennen vs Sona
Sona535 Games
In Game
46 %
Kennen vs Kled
Kled271 Games
In Game
45.8 %
Kennen vs Neeko
Neeko582 Games
In Game
45.7 %
Kennen vs Taliyah
Taliyah258 Games
In Game
45.7 %
Kennen vs Zac
Zac488 Games
In Game
45.5 %
Kennen vs Fizz
Fizz1,142 Games
In Game
45.5 %
Kennen vs Kalista
Kalista183 Games
In Game
45.4 %
Kennen vs Kassadin
Kassadin306 Games
In Game
45.4 %
Kennen vs Leona
Leona791 Games
In Game
45.4 %
Kennen vs Skarner
Skarner75 Games
In Game
45.3 %
Kennen vs Teemo
Teemo2,105 Games
In Game
45.2 %
Kennen vs Shaco
Shaco815 Games
In Game
45.2 %
Kennen vs Lillia
Lillia1,367 Games
In Game
45.1 %
Kennen vs Rakan
Rakan684 Games
In Game
44.9 %
Kennen vs Zyra
Zyra906 Games
In Game
44.7 %
Kennen vs Rammus
Rammus384 Games
In Game
44.5 %
Kennen vs Maokai
Maokai884 Games
In Game
44.5 %
Kennen vs Rumble
Rumble454 Games
In Game
44.5 %
Kennen vs Trundle
Trundle1,125 Games
In Game
44.4 %
Kennen vs Galio
Galio615 Games
In Game
44.4 %
Kennen vs Taric
Taric230 Games
In Game
44.3 %
Kennen vs Illaoi
Illaoi297 Games
In Game
43.8 %
Kennen vs Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo518 Games
In Game
43.6 %
Kennen vs Ornn
Ornn424 Games
In Game
43.6 %
Kennen vs Swain
Swain809 Games
In Game
43.6 %
Kennen vs Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench468 Games
In Game
42.7 %
Kennen vs Poppy
Poppy365 Games
In Game
41.6 %
Kennen vs Nasus
Nasus695 Games
In Game
41.6 %