Background Image
League of Legends Champion JaxJax is in the a tier of champions


Jax is a fighterRolefighter
Power SpikeMid-Game
Relentless Assault abilityp
Leap Strike abilityq
Empower abilityw
Counter Strike abilitye
Grandmaster-at-Arms abilityr

Jax Counters

based on 160,900 matches
Win Rate
50.2 %
Pick Rate
13.7 %
Ban Rate
22.5 %

How We Analyze Our Counter Jax Data

We analyze millions of League of Legends games each week, pulled directly from Riot Games, to determine the best and worst Jax counters. At this moment, our detailed counter Jax data is based on 160,900 recent games and will show you which champions have the highest and lowest win rates against him.

Jax Counters Summary

In the selected top lane, Jax is best against Irelia and Yone, with win rates of 58.3% and 55.6%, respectively. He make a great counter pick to both champions. Conversely, he is terrible in top lane against Singed and Dr. Mundo. Be careful about taking Jax into either of these two champs.

Jax Matchups in Lane

Additional Info for Jax Players

Jax Counters Summary (Continued)

The best picks outside of lane to counter Jax include Kalista, Kai'Sa, and Zeri. These champions are all great at countering Jax with win rates over 55%. Even if these Jax counter picks are not taken in the same position as you, it's not a good idea to choose him into one of these matchups. They will very likely destroy Jax.

Yet, if the other team picks either Lillia or Teemo, you should seriously think about choosing him, as he easily beats these champs with win rates over 54% against each ofthem.

How to Counter Jax

Jax is particularly strong in late-game scenarios, which means it's critical to pressure him early. He is vulnerable in the early game and can be kept in check with aggressive play before he acquires his core items.

He has a distinct weakness against champions who can kite him out of his attack range and those who are ranged. Use these champions to poke him until he's low on health, and then aim for an all-in assault.

His passive allows him to split push, making him a threat when his team is behind. To counter this, pay attention to his positioning and react accordingly by sending someone to prevent him from doing so, or capitalize on his absence by securing team fights or objectives.

Single target crowd control (CC) is effective against Jax. During team fights, if he's subjected to multiple CC attacks in succession, he will be eliminated before making a significant impact.

Jax often relies on his Counter Strike (E) for mitigation against AoE abilities in team fights, and as a solid initiation tool. Watch for its usage and strike when it's on cooldown or out of range.

Maintaining the minion wave closer to your side of the map can pressure Jax, especially during the laning phase. If he's constantly pushing, he will find the laning phase challenging to survive.

If Jax starts to get ahead and becomes dangerous, a proper strategy would be to group up, focus on objectives and avoid 1v1 encounters with him, as he excels in duels thanks to his scaling.

How to Use this Countering Jax Guide

To see the details and best Jax counter builds for a specific matchup, you can click the related row in one of the tables above. If you want specific Ashe counters not highlighted above, you may use the filters below to find details on your specific Jax matchup.

To limit the Jax counters to a particular ranked tier only, pick the desired tier from the dropdown menu above. The recommended champion counters will be revised. If you would like great champion pairings for your own allies to advance your win percentage, take a look at our Jax synergies.

We comb through millions of League of Legends matches pulled directly from Riot Games servers each week to give you an advantage. We analyze the data using advanced algorithms to bring you the most accurate Jax counters online. Having evaluated so many matches gives us lots of faith in our conclusions.

All Jax Matchups

The Jax counter matchups shown below include data from Silver+ tiers and champions in all positions. Click an individual Jax matchup to see a detailed build, stats, and advice to win your next fight. You will also have the opportunity to further refine your tier selection.

Jax vs Yuumi
Yuumi2,854 Games
In Game
57 %
Jax vs Nidalee
Nidalee937 Games
In Game
56.4 %
Jax vs Orianna
Orianna1,957 Games
In Game
55.5 %
Jax vs Kai'Sa
Kai'Sa5,681 Games
In Game
55.1 %
Jax vs Sejuani
Sejuani1,400 Games
In Game
54.9 %
Jax vs Wukong
Wukong1,542 Games
In Game
54.9 %
Jax vs Volibear
Volibear3,065 Games
In Game
54.6 %
Jax vs Gwen
Gwen2,764 Games
In Game
54.5 %
Jax vs Camille
Camille1,645 Games
In Game
54.4 %
Jax vs Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV2,112 Games
In Game
54.2 %
Jax vs Ryze
Ryze1,136 Games
In Game
54 %
Jax vs Renekton
Renekton2,308 Games
In Game
54 %
Jax vs Lulu
Lulu2,161 Games
In Game
54 %
Jax vs Zeri
Zeri1,386 Games
In Game
53.9 %
Jax vs Warwick
Warwick5,555 Games
In Game
53.9 %
Jax vs Yone
Yone8,639 Games
In Game
53.7 %
Jax vs Kalista
Kalista1,191 Games
In Game
53.7 %
Jax vs Katarina
Katarina5,051 Games
In Game
53.7 %
Jax vs Heimerdinger
Heimerdinger1,839 Games
In Game
53.6 %
Jax vs Zoe
Zoe1,774 Games
In Game
53.6 %
Jax vs Ezreal
Ezreal8,266 Games
In Game
53.4 %
Jax vs Irelia
Irelia3,602 Games
In Game
53.4 %
Jax vs Aphelios
Aphelios3,192 Games
In Game
53.3 %
Jax vs Thresh
Thresh5,785 Games
In Game
53.2 %
Jax vs Rek'Sai
Rek'Sai739 Games
In Game
53.2 %
Jax vs Vex
Vex2,544 Games
In Game
53.2 %
Jax vs Olaf
Olaf1,178 Games
In Game
53.1 %
Jax vs Sylas
Sylas4,343 Games
In Game
53.1 %
Jax vs Hwei
Hwei6,629 Games
In Game
53.1 %
Jax vs Nautilus
Nautilus5,801 Games
In Game
53 %
Jax vs Ziggs
Ziggs1,935 Games
In Game
52.9 %
Jax vs Ashe
Ashe8,822 Games
In Game
52.8 %
Jax vs Lee Sin
Lee Sin4,076 Games
In Game
52.8 %
Jax vs Yorick
Yorick3,091 Games
In Game
52.8 %
Jax vs Kog'Maw
Kog'Maw1,027 Games
In Game
52.8 %
Jax vs Samira
Samira6,473 Games
In Game
52.7 %
Jax vs Kindred
Kindred2,647 Games
In Game
52.7 %
Jax vs Gnar
Gnar1,321 Games
In Game
52.7 %
Jax vs Rengar
Rengar5,187 Games
In Game
52.7 %
Jax vs Varus
Varus5,459 Games
In Game
52.6 %
Jax vs Sett
Sett3,549 Games
In Game
52.6 %
Jax vs Ahri
Ahri3,765 Games
In Game
52.5 %
Jax vs Shaco
Shaco4,922 Games
In Game
52.5 %
Jax vs Evelynn
Evelynn3,506 Games
In Game
52.4 %
Jax vs Master Yi
Master Yi7,175 Games
In Game
52.3 %
Jax vs Xayah
Xayah2,113 Games
In Game
52.3 %
Jax vs Darius
Darius4,846 Games
In Game
52.2 %
Jax vs Jayce
Jayce1,846 Games
In Game
52.2 %
Jax vs Tryndamere
Tryndamere3,622 Games
In Game
52.1 %
Jax vs Karthus
Karthus1,746 Games
In Game
52.1 %
Jax vs Neeko
Neeko3,682 Games
In Game
52.1 %
Jax vs Rell
Rell1,711 Games
In Game
52 %
Jax vs Zed
Zed4,944 Games
In Game
52 %
Jax vs Veigar
Veigar4,357 Games
In Game
52 %
Jax vs Alistar
Alistar2,603 Games
In Game
52 %
Jax vs Tristana
Tristana4,194 Games
In Game
51.9 %
Jax vs Renata Glasc
Renata Glasc1,350 Games
In Game
51.9 %
Jax vs Nami
Nami3,915 Games
In Game
51.9 %
Jax vs Draven
Draven4,734 Games
In Game
51.9 %
Jax vs Braum
Braum1,720 Games
In Game
51.8 %
Jax vs Diana
Diana5,863 Games
In Game
51.8 %
Jax vs Twitch
Twitch5,492 Games
In Game
51.8 %
Jax vs Sivir
Sivir1,844 Games
In Game
51.8 %
Jax vs Kayle
Kayle3,905 Games
In Game
51.8 %
Jax vs Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao5,009 Games
In Game
51.8 %
Jax vs Gragas
Gragas2,893 Games
In Game
51.6 %
Jax vs Udyr
Udyr4,565 Games
In Game
51.6 %
Jax vs Amumu
Amumu3,313 Games
In Game
51.6 %
Jax vs Lucian
Lucian8,678 Games
In Game
51.6 %
Jax vs Pyke
Pyke4,594 Games
In Game
51.5 %
Jax vs Akshan
Akshan2,406 Games
In Game
51.5 %
Jax vs Yasuo
Yasuo9,231 Games
In Game
51.5 %
Jax vs Skarner
Skarner462 Games
In Game
51.5 %
Jax vs LeBlanc
LeBlanc2,449 Games
In Game
51.5 %
Jax vs Kassadin
Kassadin1,947 Games
In Game
51.4 %
Jax vs Annie
Annie2,313 Games
In Game
51.4 %
Jax vs Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate5,466 Games
In Game
51.4 %
Jax vs Shyvana
Shyvana1,975 Games
In Game
51.4 %
Jax vs Pantheon
Pantheon6,390 Games
In Game
51.4 %
Jax vs Elise
Elise1,049 Games
In Game
51.4 %
Jax vs Karma
Karma3,656 Games
In Game
51.4 %
Jax vs Milio
Milio3,215 Games
In Game
51.3 %
Jax vs Malzahar
Malzahar4,374 Games
In Game
51.3 %
Jax vs Vayne
Vayne7,493 Games
In Game
51.3 %
Jax vs Kennen
Kennen1,570 Games
In Game
51.2 %
Jax vs Rumble
Rumble2,476 Games
In Game
51.1 %
Jax vs Caitlyn
Caitlyn13,638 Games
In Game
51.1 %
Jax vs Naafiri
Naafiri1,694 Games
In Game
51.1 %
Jax vs Nunu & Willump
Nunu & Willump3,159 Games
In Game
51 %
Jax vs Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia1,361 Games
In Game
51 %
Jax vs Riven
Riven4,411 Games
In Game
51 %
Jax vs Lux
Lux12,874 Games
In Game
51 %
Jax vs Briar
Briar6,350 Games
In Game
51 %
Jax vs K'Sante
K'Sante2,373 Games
In Game
51 %
Jax vs Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol2,158 Games
In Game
50.9 %
Jax vs Hecarim
Hecarim3,580 Games
In Game
50.8 %
Jax vs Shen
Shen2,750 Games
In Game
50.8 %
Jax vs Corki
Corki1,529 Games
In Game
50.8 %
Jax vs Talon
Talon2,852 Games
In Game
50.7 %
Jax vs Gangplank
Gangplank2,297 Games
In Game
50.5 %
Jax vs Jinx
Jinx6,864 Games
In Game
50.5 %
Jax vs Qiyana
Qiyana1,748 Games
In Game
50.5 %
Jax vs Ekko
Ekko6,843 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Jax vs Fiddlesticks
Fiddlesticks2,385 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Jax vs Nocturne
Nocturne7,738 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Jax vs Xerath
Xerath5,600 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Jax vs Viktor
Viktor2,027 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Jax vs Urgot
Urgot2,494 Games
In Game
50.3 %
Jax vs Sona
Sona3,183 Games
In Game
50.3 %
Jax vs Blitzcrank
Blitzcrank5,297 Games
In Game
50.3 %
Jax vs Akali
Akali8,366 Games
In Game
50.3 %
Jax vs Kha'Zix
Kha'Zix3,861 Games
In Game
50.3 %
Jax vs Lissandra
Lissandra1,749 Games
In Game
50.3 %
Jax vs Viego
Viego5,624 Games
In Game
50.2 %
Jax vs Syndra
Syndra3,305 Games
In Game
50.1 %
Jax vs Kayn
Kayn6,332 Games
In Game
50.1 %
Jax vs Seraphine
Seraphine6,255 Games
In Game
50.1 %
Jax vs Nilah
Nilah2,090 Games
In Game
50.1 %
Jax vs Galio
Galio3,734 Games
In Game
50 %
Jax vs Malphite
Malphite6,835 Games
In Game
49.8 %
Jax vs Azir
Azir2,448 Games
In Game
49.8 %
Jax vs Trundle
Trundle9,535 Games
In Game
49.8 %
Jax vs Soraka
Soraka3,199 Games
In Game
49.8 %
Jax vs Vel'Koz
Vel'Koz2,826 Games
In Game
49.8 %
Jax vs Vladimir
Vladimir4,560 Games
In Game
49.7 %
Jax vs Janna
Janna3,806 Games
In Game
49.7 %
Jax vs Kled
Kled1,466 Games
In Game
49.7 %
Jax vs Senna
Senna10,568 Games
In Game
49.6 %
Jax vs Poppy
Poppy2,769 Games
In Game
49.6 %
Jax vs Rammus
Rammus2,689 Games
In Game
49.5 %
Jax vs Graves
Graves6,684 Games
In Game
49.5 %
Jax vs Vi
Vi4,013 Games
In Game
49.5 %
Jax vs Jhin
Jhin15,959 Games
In Game
49.4 %
Jax vs Sion
Sion3,713 Games
In Game
49.4 %
Jax vs Zilean
Zilean1,667 Games
In Game
49.3 %
Jax vs Taric
Taric1,415 Games
In Game
49.3 %
Jax vs Bel'Veth
Bel'Veth3,134 Games
In Game
49.3 %
Jax vs Swain
Swain5,271 Games
In Game
49.3 %
Jax vs Rakan
Rakan4,134 Games
In Game
49.3 %
Jax vs Cho'Gath
Cho'Gath3,300 Games
In Game
49.3 %
Jax vs Garen
Garen6,030 Games
In Game
49.2 %
Jax vs Morgana
Morgana6,499 Games
In Game
49.1 %
Jax vs Leona
Leona5,115 Games
In Game
49.1 %
Jax vs Fiora
Fiora3,732 Games
In Game
49 %
Jax vs Mordekaiser
Mordekaiser9,405 Games
In Game
48.9 %
Jax vs Aatrox
Aatrox7,254 Games
In Game
48.8 %
Jax vs Taliyah
Taliyah1,589 Games
In Game
48.7 %
Jax vs Illaoi
Illaoi2,697 Games
In Game
48.6 %
Jax vs Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench3,188 Games
In Game
48.6 %
Jax vs Anivia
Anivia1,973 Games
In Game
48.6 %
Jax vs Fizz
Fizz7,203 Games
In Game
48.5 %
Jax vs Bard
Bard4,240 Games
In Game
48.4 %
Jax vs Quinn
Quinn1,902 Games
In Game
48.4 %
Jax vs Ornn
Ornn2,979 Games
In Game
48.3 %
Jax vs Zac
Zac3,354 Games
In Game
48.3 %
Jax vs Singed
Singed3,925 Games
In Game
48.3 %
Jax vs Nasus
Nasus3,839 Games
In Game
48.1 %
Jax vs Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo3,831 Games
In Game
47.9 %
Jax vs Ivern
Ivern1,555 Games
In Game
47.8 %
Jax vs Zyra
Zyra5,853 Games
In Game
47.7 %
Jax vs Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune18,616 Games
In Game
47.5 %
Jax vs Brand
Brand8,032 Games
In Game
47.4 %
Jax vs Teemo
Teemo10,085 Games
In Game
47.3 %
Jax vs Maokai
Maokai5,829 Games
In Game
47.3 %
Jax vs Lillia
Lillia8,581 Games
In Game
45.2 %