The best champs out of lane to counter Ashe include Nidalee, Gragas, and Sejuani. These champions are all good at countering Ashe with decent win rates over 56%. Even if these Ashe counter picks are not used opposite your position, it's not a good idea to choose her into any of these matchups. They will most often destroy Ashe.
Conversely, if the enemy team picks either Teemo or Lillia, Ashe mains should strongly consider taking her, as she easily dominates these selections with win rates over 53% against each ofthem.
Take advantage of Ashe's immobility. In both the laning phase and the team fighting stage, Ashe's lack of mobility is a considerable weakness. Use this to your advantage and make sure to coordinate with your team to corner her.
Try to set Ashe back during the laning phase. The enemy team will often employ early ganks to hinder Ashe's progress. Just make sure to take care of their jungler.
Be aware of Ashe's utility. Ashe's utility, including her auto-attack slows and Ultimate R CC, can help secure picks before important objective fights. Counteract this by maintaining close communication and coordination with your team.
Be careful during skirmishes. Ashe's Q can shred multiple members of the enemy team in close-quarter fights. Try to avoid clustering together to prevent her from using this to her advantage.
Always be mindful of Ashe's W. She can use it to poke both enemy champions and minions simultaneously. Stay alert to this and find ways to dodge or minimize its impact.
Ensure that she doesn't get ahead early. Provided she doesn't fall behind during the early game, Ashe can be a powerhouse of damage and slows during the mid-game. Make sure to hinder her early to mitigate this potential threat.
Exploit her vulnerability to crowd control. Any form of crowd control (CC) can be a weakness for Ashe during the entire game. She may need to rely on her frontline to keep her safe, so make sure to target her if you have CC at your disposal.
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We comb through millions of League of Legends matches pulled directly from Riot Games servers each week to give you an advantage. We analyze the data using advanced algorithms to bring you the most accurate Ashe counters online. Having evaluated so many matches gives us lots of faith in our conclusions.
The Ashe counter matchups shown below include data from Silver+ tiers and champions in all positions. Click an individual Ashe matchup to see a detailed build, stats, and advice to win your next fight. You will also have the opportunity to further refine your tier selection.