Fire Enchanted Crystal Arrow in the direction that enemies are moving.
Optimize the distance of Volley to ensure it hits the targets you desire.
Hawkshot can help to reveal enemies ganking Ashe or to scout enemies while teamfighting.
Q: Can Ashe kite?
A: Yes. Ashe is a great champion to kite with. Her auto-attacks slow her target with each hit. However, she is still an easy target for melee champions with a lot of engage potential, such as Tryndamere or Riven. If you want to kite more, your LoL Ashe build should focus on building sustained movement increase or burstable speed.
Q: Why would I pick Ashe over Draven?
A: Both Draven and Ashe build attack speed. Ashe benefits more from on-hit item effects while Draven benefits more from raw damage bonuses. If you are facing tanks or many melee champions, Ashe may be a better choice. If you are facing very squishy opponents, Draven may be a better choice since he is better able to burst down squishy targets.
League of Legends Ashe players will find her to be a confusing character to build out properly. You will find that her build changes when she is up against either generic or highly focused team comps, meaning you should not take the same Ashe build every single game of League of Legends
The best items to use in your champion's build are: Trinity Force, Phantom Dancer, and Bloodthirster. Those who added these pieces in their kits had a much higher winrate than players who tried for other Ashe builds. Similarly, if you are fighting a well-mixed enemy team arrangement, you should really consider grabbing yourself the Precision, and Inspiration runes. In recent games, she won the largest percentage of her matches when using these runes.
We set our Ashe build guidance by examining 327,490 recently ranked League rounds with her selected. We only advise the best winrate Ashe builds that have been built by ranked gamers enough times for us to advise them. With so many matches in our data, we are confident in our recommended builds.