Background Image
League of Legends Champion AkshanAkshan is in the b tier of champions


Akshan is a marksmanRolemarksman
Power SpikeLate-Game
Dirty Fighting abilityp
Avengerang abilityq
Going Rogue abilityw
Heroic Swing abilitye
Comeuppance abilityr

Akshan Counters

based on 53,371 matches
Win Rate
49.5 %
Pick Rate
3.7 %
Ban Rate
3.9 %

How We Analyze Our Counter Akshan Data

We analyze millions of League of Legends games each week, pulled directly from Riot Games, to determine the best and worst Akshan counters. At this moment, our detailed counter Akshan data is based on 53,371 recent games and will show you which champions have the highest and lowest win rates against them.

Akshan Counters Summary

In the selected middle lane, Akshan is best against Ziggs and Corki, with win rates of 56.1% and 54.5%, respectively. Akshan an excellent counter pick to either champions. Conversely, they are bad in middle lane against Gragas and Heimerdinger. You should be careful about playing Akshan into either of these two champs.

Akshan Matchups in Lane

Akshan jungle Counters

Akshan support Counters

Additional Info for Akshan Players

Akshan Counters Summary (Continued)

The greatest picks not in lane to counter Akshan include Zeri, Ezreal, and Sivir. These champs are all good at countering Akshan with decent win rates over 57%. Even if these Akshan counter picks are not picked in your lane, it's not smart to play them into one of these matchups. They will likely win against Akshan.

Conversely, if the opposing team choses either Teemo or Taric, you should seriously consider choosing them, as they easily wins against these selections with win rates over 53% against both ofthem.

How to Counter Akshan

Be wary of Akshan's mobility thanks to his E ability. This enables him to navigate the lane with ease and close in on enemies quickly - so keep your distance and watch out for unexpected maneuvers.

Akshan can resurrect fallen allies if he defeats the enemy who killed them. This is particularly potent later in the game when death timers are high. If an ally dies during a skirmish or team fight, focus on preventing Akshan from getting the kill he needs to revive his teammate.

He struggles against ranged champions and those with easy-to-land CC. Prevent his aggressive engagements by using these type of champions to restrict his mobility.

His ultimate ability can be easily interrupted, so aim to disrupt and cancel its channel whenever possible during fights. Be proactive and careful when he is trying to use his ultimate.

Akshan�s early game is relatively weak. Focus on taking short trades against him with your auto-attacks and passive. Avoid extended trades unless his primary ability is on cooldown.

If Akshan starts to get ahead, be mindful of his high kill potential, especially once he unlocks his ultimate at level 6. He excels at executing low-health champions, so keeping your health bar topped up is crucial for survival.

In the late game, Akshan can deal out significant damage. Keep a close eye on him and do not underestimate his DPS. Stay near allies with crowd-control abilities to limit Akshan's mobility and potential to burst down your squishier teammates.

How to Use this Countering Akshan Guide

To see the details and best Akshan counter builds for a specific matchup, you can click the related row in one of the tables above. If you want specific Ashe counters not highlighted above, you may use the filters below to find details on your specific Akshan matchup.

To limit the Akshan counters to a particular ranked tier only, pick the desired tier from the dropdown menu above. The recommended champion counters will be revised. If you would like great champion pairings for your own allies to advance your win percentage, take a look at our Akshan synergies.

We comb through millions of League of Legends matches pulled directly from Riot Games servers each week to give you an advantage. We analyze the data using advanced algorithms to bring you the most accurate Akshan counters online. Having evaluated so many matches gives us lots of faith in our conclusions.

All Akshan Matchups

The Akshan counter matchups shown below include data from Silver+ tiers and champions in all positions. Click an individual Akshan matchup to see a detailed build, stats, and advice to win your next fight. You will also have the opportunity to further refine your tier selection.

Akshan vs Skarner
Skarner107 Games
In Game
57.9 %
Akshan vs Olaf
Olaf317 Games
In Game
57.4 %
Akshan vs Zeri
Zeri410 Games
In Game
56.1 %
Akshan vs Karthus
Karthus509 Games
In Game
55.6 %
Akshan vs Kog'Maw
Kog'Maw308 Games
In Game
55.5 %
Akshan vs LeBlanc
LeBlanc698 Games
In Game
54.6 %
Akshan vs Hwei
Hwei1,914 Games
In Game
54.4 %
Akshan vs Gnar
Gnar407 Games
In Game
54.1 %
Akshan vs Ezreal
Ezreal2,251 Games
In Game
54 %
Akshan vs Urgot
Urgot679 Games
In Game
53.9 %
Akshan vs Corki
Corki465 Games
In Game
53.8 %
Akshan vs K'Sante
K'Sante610 Games
In Game
53.8 %
Akshan vs Ziggs
Ziggs525 Games
In Game
53.7 %
Akshan vs Renekton
Renekton590 Games
In Game
53.7 %
Akshan vs Lissandra
Lissandra491 Games
In Game
53 %
Akshan vs Kai'Sa
Kai'Sa1,572 Games
In Game
52.8 %
Akshan vs Illaoi
Illaoi648 Games
In Game
52.8 %
Akshan vs Sylas
Sylas1,195 Games
In Game
52.7 %
Akshan vs Lee Sin
Lee Sin1,169 Games
In Game
52.7 %
Akshan vs Talon
Talon887 Games
In Game
52.6 %
Akshan vs Fiddlesticks
Fiddlesticks638 Games
In Game
52.5 %
Akshan vs Kassadin
Kassadin490 Games
In Game
52.4 %
Akshan vs Aphelios
Aphelios895 Games
In Game
52.1 %
Akshan vs Pyke
Pyke1,303 Games
In Game
52 %
Akshan vs Zoe
Zoe519 Games
In Game
52 %
Akshan vs Kennen
Kennen452 Games
In Game
52 %
Akshan vs Karma
Karma1,069 Games
In Game
52 %
Akshan vs Quinn
Quinn565 Games
In Game
51.9 %
Akshan vs Yuumi
Yuumi783 Games
In Game
51.9 %
Akshan vs Katarina
Katarina1,322 Games
In Game
51.9 %
Akshan vs Kindred
Kindred736 Games
In Game
51.8 %
Akshan vs Orianna
Orianna548 Games
In Game
51.8 %
Akshan vs Amumu
Amumu840 Games
In Game
51.8 %
Akshan vs Nami
Nami1,082 Games
In Game
51.7 %
Akshan vs Gwen
Gwen775 Games
In Game
51.7 %
Akshan vs Yone
Yone2,467 Games
In Game
51.6 %
Akshan vs Sivir
Sivir508 Games
In Game
51.6 %
Akshan vs Lulu
Lulu604 Games
In Game
51.5 %
Akshan vs Garen
Garen1,253 Games
In Game
51.5 %
Akshan vs Rek'Sai
Rek'Sai220 Games
In Game
51.4 %
Akshan vs Jayce
Jayce630 Games
In Game
51.4 %
Akshan vs Hecarim
Hecarim1,023 Games
In Game
51.4 %
Akshan vs Volibear
Volibear710 Games
In Game
51.4 %
Akshan vs Shyvana
Shyvana515 Games
In Game
51.3 %
Akshan vs Kayn
Kayn1,765 Games
In Game
51.3 %
Akshan vs Vex
Vex720 Games
In Game
51.3 %
Akshan vs Neeko
Neeko1,102 Games
In Game
51.2 %
Akshan vs Gangplank
Gangplank691 Games
In Game
51.1 %
Akshan vs Rengar
Rengar1,428 Games
In Game
51.1 %
Akshan vs Elise
Elise315 Games
In Game
51.1 %
Akshan vs Aurelion Sol
Aurelion Sol593 Games
In Game
51.1 %
Akshan vs Shaco
Shaco1,426 Games
In Game
51.1 %
Akshan vs Taliyah
Taliyah479 Games
In Game
51.1 %
Akshan vs Akali
Akali2,241 Games
In Game
51 %
Akshan vs Zed
Zed1,399 Games
In Game
51 %
Akshan vs Tryndamere
Tryndamere980 Games
In Game
50.9 %
Akshan vs Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo711 Games
In Game
50.9 %
Akshan vs Ashe
Ashe2,547 Games
In Game
50.8 %
Akshan vs Caitlyn
Caitlyn3,769 Games
In Game
50.8 %
Akshan vs Ahri
Ahri1,073 Games
In Game
50.8 %
Akshan vs Thresh
Thresh1,561 Games
In Game
50.7 %
Akshan vs Camille
Camille511 Games
In Game
50.7 %
Akshan vs Jinx
Jinx1,905 Games
In Game
50.5 %
Akshan vs Varus
Varus1,560 Games
In Game
50.5 %
Akshan vs Evelynn
Evelynn1,004 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Akshan vs Braum
Braum506 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Akshan vs Tristana
Tristana1,178 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Akshan vs Nunu & Willump
Nunu & Willump879 Games
In Game
50.4 %
Akshan vs Vel'Koz
Vel'Koz813 Games
In Game
50.3 %
Akshan vs Pantheon
Pantheon1,703 Games
In Game
50.3 %
Akshan vs Cho'Gath
Cho'Gath787 Games
In Game
50.3 %
Akshan vs Annie
Annie651 Games
In Game
50.2 %
Akshan vs Kha'Zix
Kha'Zix1,130 Games
In Game
50.2 %
Akshan vs Sett
Sett898 Games
In Game
50 %
Akshan vs Lucian
Lucian2,550 Games
In Game
50 %
Akshan vs Syndra
Syndra964 Games
In Game
50 %
Akshan vs Nidalee
Nidalee292 Games
In Game
50 %
Akshan vs Soraka
Soraka884 Games
In Game
50 %
Akshan vs Nautilus
Nautilus1,638 Games
In Game
49.9 %
Akshan vs Kalista
Kalista325 Games
In Game
49.8 %
Akshan vs Qiyana
Qiyana490 Games
In Game
49.8 %
Akshan vs Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV563 Games
In Game
49.7 %
Akshan vs Twitch
Twitch1,495 Games
In Game
49.6 %
Akshan vs Jhin
Jhin4,554 Games
In Game
49.5 %
Akshan vs Viktor
Viktor612 Games
In Game
49.5 %
Akshan vs Lux
Lux3,561 Games
In Game
49.5 %
Akshan vs Morgana
Morgana1,769 Games
In Game
49.5 %
Akshan vs Xayah
Xayah530 Games
In Game
49.4 %
Akshan vs Irelia
Irelia1,122 Games
In Game
49.3 %
Akshan vs Zyra
Zyra1,600 Games
In Game
49.3 %
Akshan vs Vladimir
Vladimir1,263 Games
In Game
49.2 %
Akshan vs Janna
Janna1,029 Games
In Game
49.2 %
Akshan vs Wukong
Wukong427 Games
In Game
49.2 %
Akshan vs Gragas
Gragas679 Games
In Game
49.2 %
Akshan vs Xerath
Xerath1,520 Games
In Game
49.1 %
Akshan vs Fiora
Fiora982 Games
In Game
49.1 %
Akshan vs Rumble
Rumble765 Games
In Game
48.9 %
Akshan vs Galio
Galio1,009 Games
In Game
48.9 %
Akshan vs Anivia
Anivia579 Games
In Game
48.9 %
Akshan vs Milio
Milio943 Games
In Game
48.9 %
Akshan vs Singed
Singed947 Games
In Game
48.9 %
Akshan vs Darius
Darius1,346 Games
In Game
48.8 %
Akshan vs Udyr
Udyr1,216 Games
In Game
48.7 %
Akshan vs Yorick
Yorick821 Games
In Game
48.6 %
Akshan vs Warwick
Warwick1,398 Games
In Game
48.6 %
Akshan vs Diana
Diana1,476 Games
In Game
48.6 %
Akshan vs Jax
Jax2,406 Games
In Game
48.5 %
Akshan vs Master Yi
Master Yi1,718 Games
In Game
48.4 %
Akshan vs Draven
Draven1,348 Games
In Game
48.4 %
Akshan vs Seraphine
Seraphine1,773 Games
In Game
48.3 %
Akshan vs Malzahar
Malzahar1,242 Games
In Game
48.2 %
Akshan vs Nocturne
Nocturne1,975 Games
In Game
48.2 %
Akshan vs Renata Glasc
Renata Glasc378 Games
In Game
48.1 %
Akshan vs Trundle
Trundle2,243 Games
In Game
48.1 %
Akshan vs Brand
Brand2,187 Games
In Game
48.1 %
Akshan vs Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench983 Games
In Game
48 %
Akshan vs Azir
Azir709 Games
In Game
48 %
Akshan vs Samira
Samira1,770 Games
In Game
48 %
Akshan vs Twisted Fate
Twisted Fate1,555 Games
In Game
48 %
Akshan vs Swain
Swain1,444 Games
In Game
47.9 %
Akshan vs Viego
Viego1,504 Games
In Game
47.9 %
Akshan vs Briar
Briar1,725 Games
In Game
47.9 %
Akshan vs Nasus
Nasus1,082 Games
In Game
47.8 %
Akshan vs Graves
Graves1,916 Games
In Game
47.8 %
Akshan vs Heimerdinger
Heimerdinger445 Games
In Game
47.6 %
Akshan vs Zilean
Zilean490 Games
In Game
47.6 %
Akshan vs Zac
Zac868 Games
In Game
47.6 %
Akshan vs Senna
Senna2,962 Games
In Game
47.5 %
Akshan vs Kled
Kled470 Games
In Game
47.4 %
Akshan vs Ryze
Ryze346 Games
In Game
47.4 %
Akshan vs Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao1,292 Games
In Game
47.4 %
Akshan vs Rell
Rell475 Games
In Game
47.4 %
Akshan vs Fizz
Fizz1,977 Games
In Game
47.3 %
Akshan vs Sion
Sion1,037 Games
In Game
47.3 %
Akshan vs Veigar
Veigar1,171 Games
In Game
47.3 %
Akshan vs Aatrox
Aatrox2,012 Games
In Game
47.2 %
Akshan vs Shen
Shen659 Games
In Game
47.2 %
Akshan vs Vayne
Vayne2,008 Games
In Game
47.2 %
Akshan vs Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia436 Games
In Game
47.2 %
Akshan vs Bel'Veth
Bel'Veth793 Games
In Game
47 %
Akshan vs Naafiri
Naafiri445 Games
In Game
47 %
Akshan vs Kayle
Kayle1,148 Games
In Game
47 %
Akshan vs Ekko
Ekko1,845 Games
In Game
46.8 %
Akshan vs Maokai
Maokai1,654 Games
In Game
46.7 %
Akshan vs Alistar
Alistar688 Games
In Game
46.7 %
Akshan vs Sejuani
Sejuani367 Games
In Game
46.6 %
Akshan vs Nilah
Nilah575 Games
In Game
46.6 %
Akshan vs Malphite
Malphite1,868 Games
In Game
46.6 %
Akshan vs Vi
Vi1,098 Games
In Game
46.5 %
Akshan vs Blitzcrank
Blitzcrank1,474 Games
In Game
46.4 %
Akshan vs Ornn
Ornn852 Games
In Game
46.4 %
Akshan vs Mordekaiser
Mordekaiser2,359 Games
In Game
46.3 %
Akshan vs Poppy
Poppy655 Games
In Game
46.1 %
Akshan vs Ivern
Ivern415 Games
In Game
46 %
Akshan vs Leona
Leona1,365 Games
In Game
45.9 %
Akshan vs Riven
Riven1,199 Games
In Game
45.8 %
Akshan vs Yasuo
Yasuo2,374 Games
In Game
45.5 %
Akshan vs Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune5,053 Games
In Game
45.4 %
Akshan vs Rakan
Rakan1,129 Games
In Game
45.3 %
Akshan vs Sona
Sona905 Games
In Game
45.2 %
Akshan vs Teemo
Teemo2,899 Games
In Game
45.2 %
Akshan vs Lillia
Lillia2,364 Games
In Game
44.7 %
Akshan vs Bard
Bard1,207 Games
In Game
43.5 %
Akshan vs Rammus
Rammus701 Games
In Game
41.8 %
Akshan vs Taric
Taric359 Games
In Game
41.5 %